The Northern United States Northern Command said that U.S. military personnel have recycled a large number of Chinese balloon wreckage, including all identified important sensors and electronic components, as well as large pieces of balloon structures.Kobe, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, pointed out that the United States cannot determine what the other three unknown flights are, and it is not clear whether they involve spy activities, but this possibility is not ruled out.

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. military salvage the main electronic equipment suspected of Chinese spy balloon in the waters of the outside of South Carolina, including key sensors that may be used for intelligence collection.The United States has not determined whether the other three unknown flight objects are used for monitoring activities and whether they are related to this Chinese balloon; Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau said that there is a certain connection between the four flights.

On Monday (February 13), the Northern Command of the United States said that U.S. military personnel have recovered a large number of Chinese balloon wreckage, including all identified important sensors and electronic components, as well as large pieces of balloon structures.Technical staff of the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) will check these wreckage.

After discovering this balloon about one week, the U.S. military shot it off on February 4th in the waters near South Carolina, and then over the Hanglong Lake on the Alaska, Canadian Yukong area and the US -Canada border, and shot down three respectively.A smaller unknown flying object.

A spokesman for the White House National Security Council, Kobe, said on Monday that the United States cannot determine what these three unknown flights are, and it is not clear whether they involve spy activities, but this possibility is not ruled out.The White House press secretary Pierre said that there were no signs that these incidents were related to alien or alien activities.

Kobe also said that the current American assessment believes that spy balloon has limited contributions to China's intelligence surveillance in the United States. "But if China continues to advance this technology in the future, it will definitely be more valuable for China."He also denied that the United States sent a monitoring balloon to China.

In response to the concerns caused by frequent suspicious flying objects in the United States, the US Defense Minister Austin said on Monday: "I want to guarantee the American people that these objects have not constituted a military threat to any ground personnel. However, they do bring risks to civil aviation risksAnd may constitute an intelligence collection threat. "

At present, the U.S. military is also searching for three unknown wreckage recently shot down, but it has not recovered any fragments.

The US military shot down four flight objects Trudeau: existing some association

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Monday at a press conference at WhiteHorse (also known as Whitehore, also known as White Hos) said that the four flying objects shot down in the U.S. military have some connection, but there is no detailed explanation.He said: "Obviously there is a model here. In the past week, we see this to a large extent, which is worthy of our attention and attention."

U.S. President Biden is expected to visit Canada in March. Trudeau said he would discuss this issue with Biden.

Trudeau said that the official is still looking for a flying object that was beaten in Yukong, but the snowy weather challenged the search work.In addition, according to the memo of the US Department of Defense to Congress by the US Department of Defense, this flying object seems to be "small metal balloons, which are tied to effective loads".

The flying objects that shot down on the Lake Houmun are likely to fall in the Canadian waters.The Royal Royal Madon said they had not found the area where the object was located.

CNN quoted three sources that the first missile fired by the US military F-16 battle against the flight of the flight from the Houron Lake was unable to hit the target.Neither the White House and the Ministry of Defense have not disclosed this before, but the commander of the Northern Command Van Heck Sunday said that due to the small size of the object, the radar -making missile hit its "low probability".

The US Senate Democratic leader Shumo said on Monday that Congress will have recently discovered the cross -party investigation for flight objects discovered in the United States, and why US officials have not found them earlier.

Blint and Wang Yi will attend the Munich Safety Conference in Germany

On the other hand, Reuters and Bloomberg quoted sources saying that US Secretary of State Brillin and former Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi may use a face -to -face meeting during the Munich Safety Conference in Germany (February 17th to 19th).However, the U.S. State Department later clarified that there was no arrangement for the meeting.

The State Council spokesman Prince said that the United States has been assessing diplomatic options and shows that the United States is committed to maintaining the smooth communication channel because it is particularly important when the relationship is tight.