(Morning News) Sources said that US Secretary of State Brillings was considering that when Germany attended the Munich Security Conference, he met with Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee.

If the news is true, this will be the two in the United States Suspected Chinese reconnaissance balloon Later, for the first time, face -to -face talks.

U.S. officials, an unknown U.S. officials, disclosed to Reuters that Brinken and Wang Yi may meet in Munich. The second source who is familiar with the US plan also said that this is possible, but there is no confirmation.

Deputy Secretary of State Sherman said at a press conference held with Japan and South Korean Foreign Ministers that she may not be announced to Brinken and Wang Yi in Munich, but she does not rule out the possibility of the two people meet.sex.

Shelman said: "As the Secretary of State Brillin has always said, he also said to Wang Yi -everyone has said to China -we are willing to meet our interests and think that conditions are appropriate.Talk. "

She said: "I know there are reports that they may meet at the Munich conference, but I have nothing to announce today."

Earlier this month, the United States referred to a reconnaissance balloon in China to lead the United States and shot down the balloon over the waters of the coast of South Carolina./Story20230203-1359458 "target = _blank> Brinton announced the delay of the original Beijing trip .

The balloon incident caused anger in Washington. Politicians criticized the US military and US president Biden. They did not shot down when the balloon entered the United States for the first time.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to the request of the report on the report.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday that the US balloon illegally entered the leadership of other countries. Since last year, US high -altitude balls have not flew over China to lead the air in more than ten times without approval by relevant Chinese departments.But the White House denied allegations.

A reporter asked questions that the balloon problem is now becoming more and more serious. Is China and the United States negotiating to avoid conflicts?Wang Wenbin responded that China and the United States have maintained necessary communication. The key is to properly handle the accidents caused by the irresistoria through calmness, professional and restraint.

National Security Consultant Sarawan said last week that Brins are postponed to visit China, rather than cancel visiting or announced that they will not communicate with senior China in the future.

Brinken and Wang Yi will attend the Munich Safety Conference from February 17th to 19th.More than 40 heads of state and government, head of the government, and multiple international organizations will participate in this meeting.