(Morning News) The Pentagon of the United States said that it appeared in the direction of objects above the Lake Huron, near the US sensitive military base.

Reuters reported that the five -corner building explained that the military's goal of the military on Sunday (February 12) shot down near the Canadian border, "because it has potential surveillance capabilities."

This is the United States Since = "https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20230213-1362548" target = _blank> The fourth air objects shot by the United States , North American security forces are highly vigilant on air threats in the air.It is getting more and more tight.

The U.S. Department of Defense said that according to the order of President Biden, a US F-16 fighter jet shot down the object over the Hugh Lake on the US-Canada border at 2:42 pm on Sunday.Earlier U.S. officials said that the U.S. military sent a F-22 fighter to shoot it down with an empty airmark at a rattan snake.

The U.S. Department of Defense said that although objects do not constitute a military threat, they fly at a high altitude of 20,000 feet (6100 meters) at high altitude, which may interfere with domestic air traffic, and it may conduct surveillance activities.

Anonymous U.S. officials said earlier that the appearance of the object that was hit on Sunday seemed to be an octagonal, exposing some ropes, but there was no distinguished effective load.

The US Department of Defense pointed out that it was discovered above the Montana's sensitive military location at the beginning of Montana, and the local area was closed.