(Bloomberg, London) British Prime Minister Sonak has privately instructed the minister and senior officials to formulate plans to rebuild the old with the EU.

Bloomberg reported that some of the British government did this because Russia's invasion of Ukraine brought impact.

At present, senior government officials have started to study how to cooperate closely with EU countries in multiple fields, such as defense, immigration, and so -called economic governance strategies, including trade energy and international standards.

It is reported that officials hope that in the next few days, after the Brexit, the two sides will propose solutions around the trade arrangements that have been entangled in the northern Ireland for many years.Sunak's team hopes to use this breakthrough as the basis for improving relations with the European Union.

But to achieve this goal, Sunak must be in control of the Conservative Party's "Brexit" and persuading the Democratic Unified Party of the Allies not to exercise a balance between the veto rights under the region of Bei Ai.

Sunak has made it clear to European leaders that he is determined to solve the problem of North Ai trade.

It is reported that the problem that has been plagued between the two parties since Brexit has almost reached an agreement at the technical level. Now it is only necessary to persuade the Democratic Reunification Party and the Conservative Party to "Brexit" not to destroy the agreement.

If you can break this deadlock, the Sunak government hopes to implement more specific policies in this year, including reaching more specific cooperation with France on the issue of illegal immigration.To solve the problem of illegal immigrants from the British Geely Strait is one of the five major commitments made by Sunak to voters.

However, even if internal differences are resolved, Sonak must cope with other European leaders.

Britain has decided to Brexit in the referendum held in 2016; in the past seven years, many European leaders have tried to maintain economic and trade relations with Britain, but in recent years, Britain has changed five prime ministers, and these prime ministers are facing.When fighting for the support of the British people, the European Union often treats the EU as a "outlet".

If you want to establish a relationship with the European Union, how to regain the trust and support of European leaders is another issue that Sunak will face.

In terms of security defense, a senior official revealed that the proposal considered by the UK includes a legal agreement with the EU's formal defense and security relations and dialogue, and it is easier to allow the British army to join the EU operations.

The official said how to cope with the Russian and Ukraine War gave Britain the opportunity to play more leadership in the command and control structure of NATO.He emphasized that NATO must continue to be the main tool for defending Europe.

For Sunak's wanting to rebuild the old EU, an official of the British government said that Britain's change in European strategy reflects the reality of continuous changes in the situation. This does not mean that Britain acknowledges that Brexit is a decision.