The White House is expected to issue an administrative order in a few months to list a new ban.The United States has accused U.S. investors in accusing US investors to transfer capital and valuable technologies to Chinese technology companies, helping Beijing to enhance military capabilities.

(Washington / Taipei Comprehensive) U.S. government plans to comprehensively prohibit investment in certain Chinese technology companies and strengthen review of Chinese technology companies.The Bayeng government's move is to restrict US companies inject capital to China's sensitive industries. U.S. funds currently invested in these industries are billions of dollars.

Reuters quoted three sources as saying that the new ban is expected to apply to some investment related to chip production.

The White House is expected to issue administrative orders within a few months to list this new ban.The United States has accused U.S. investors in accusing US investors to transfer capital and valuable technologies to Chinese technology companies, helping Beijing to enhance military capabilities.The White House refused to comment on Reuters' reports.A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington issued a statement saying: "Any restrictions or targeting the pace of scientific and technological development of China ... U.S. politicians have unreasonable restrictions on normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States.P>

In addition to the prohibition of some investments, the United States may also ask investors to report to the government to report investment plans.Reports released by the think tank of the University of Georgon University earlier this month showed that from 2015 to 2021, American investors included chip makers Intel Corp and Qualcomm Inc accounted for nearly one -fifth of the investment in Chinese artificial intelligence companies.The total transaction volume reached US $ 40.2 billion (about S $ 53.5 billion).

Asia reported that American chip manufacturing equipment suppliers are transferring their business from China to Southeast Asia.Five insiders revealed that since October last year, Applied Materials, Lam Research, and KLA either transfer non -Chinese employees from China to Singapore and Malaysia, or improved their.Capacity in Southeast Asia.These three companies control 35 % of the global chip manufacturing equipment market.

The Bayeng government has issued measures last October to restrict the export of chip manufacturing equipment made in the United States to China, and it also prohibits American citizens from working for Chinese chip manufacturers.

A person familiar with the matter said that the situation of the US chip manufacturing equipment supplier transferred the business for "for a period of time", and they also required many non -Chinese employees to choose to return to the company's local market or send it to Southeast Asia.

In addition to the technology industry, the United States has also tried to compete in other key areas.Insiders have revealed that the US government is discussing a trade agreement with Japan and Britain on the supply of key minerals.

U.S. officials who do not want to be named told Bloomberg that the United States hopes to form a "key mineral buying furniture music department" with allies such as the European Union and the Seventh Kingdom Group to ensure that the alliance does not need to rely on China's supply of key minerals, especially in these countries to seekWhen developing renewable energy.

Lithium, cobalt and other minerals have become very strategic importance by virtue of the key role in electric vehicles, defense electronics and other purposes.China is a large country of mineral resources. In addition to reducing dependence on China, the United States is also worried that China and other mineral countries will join forces to cut off their supply to the United States.

Although the alliance that the United States wants to form with the allies is targeted at China, it can also benefit from the inflation bill of participating countries from the United States and obtain the materials required to achieve emission reduction targets, thereby alleviating these countries to this bill for this bill to make this bill for this bill.They are faced with unfair competition concerns.

According to the reduction of the inflation bill, the US government will provide high subsidies to promote the production and application of green technologies such as electric vehicle batteries and solar panels in the United States.European corporate competitiveness.