Ukrainian President Zelezisk urges allies to accelerate the pace of military assistance.He said that Russia was anxious to achieve as many results as possible through the latest offensive before Ukraine and its allies."This is why speed is very important."

(Brussels Comprehensive) The Russian and Ukraine War is about to reach the first anniversary, and Russia seems to have launched a new round of offensive at the front line of the war in eastern Ukraine.The United States and NATO said that Ukraine urgently needs more military assistance and promised to ensure that a large number of ammunition and weapons required by Kiev will continue to be transported to the front line.

US Secretary of Defense Austin on Tuesday (February 14) at the Western National Defense Minister's meeting held in Brussels that he expects the Ukraine to counterattack in spring. To ensure the success of the counterattack.Fire and logistics support.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg also emphasized at the meeting that it is necessary to provide more ammunition to Ukraine and implement a commitment to provide tanks and other heavy weapons to Ukraine.

The U.S. Army announced on Tuesday that a 155mm artillery shell ammunition with a total value of 522 million US dollars (nearly 700 million yuan) from the two companies was used for Ukraine for Ukraine. The new ammunition is expected to start delivery next month.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the US military is also considering the seized Iranian weapons and ammunition, including assault rifles and anti -tank missiles to Ukraine.These arms were obtained from the smuggling gangs who were suspected of working for Iran outside Yemen in recent months. I believe it was to be transported to Iran's support for the Yimen Military.

The Russian Army currently concentrates on Bakhmut, a frontline city in Donetsk.The Ukrainian Army has strengthened defense work and prepared for the possible outbreak of lane war.

Sebeling Bach Murte will help the Russian army to advance to two larger cities, Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, which will be promoted at the same time.The frustrated trend.

Ukraine: The air balloon shape is unknown flying on the king assist

Ukrainian President Zelezki urged allies to speed up military assistance in a video speech on Tuesday evening.He said that Russia was anxious to achieve as many results as possible through the latest offensive before Ukraine and its allies."This is why speed is very important."

According to Wu media reports, unknown flying objects were found over Kiev.Spokesperson of the Wu Air Force Headquarters Ignat: "It is likely that this is the balloon with a corner reflector we have recently talked about. Ukraine anti -air radar observed the goal of low -speed movement at the airflow."

Wu Air Force said that on February 12, in the air in Petonor Peter Peter, it also saw a similar balloon flying from Russia, and the Ukraine shot down with the help of the air defense system.

Yale University in the United States issued a report by the US government on Tuesday, stating that Russia "re -educated" politically "re -educate" at least 6,000 Ukrainian children. These children are aged four months to 17 years old.

The Humanitarian Research Laboratory of the School of Public Health University in Yale University said in the report that researchers have identified at least 43 camping and other facilities for Ukrainian children.How do children "operate military equipment, drive trucks and study guns."

The report said that this approach violates the Geneva Convention, and it may constitute the crime of war, endangers human crimes, and even suspected racial extinction.

Russia responded that it received those children who were forced to escape from Ukraine.But according to the report, not all children are orphans, and some are just families from "difficult situations."