The daughter of North Korean leader Kim Jong -un, Kim Jong -un, fell in love with the 75th anniversary parade of the People's Army's founding of the People's Army, causing experts to speculate.Because white horses are regarded as an important symbol of North Korea's "white -headed blood", some experts believe that this is the signal of Jinzhuai's future successor.

North Korea ’s CCTV on Monday (February 13) released the" Golden Pearl Love Little White Horse "appeared on the 8 -day military video, and introduced that" Marshal (Kim Jong -un) riding a legendary famous horse white headThe mountain war horses walking in front of the cavalry, my dear child (Jinzhuai )'s favorite horses followed. "

Analysis pointed out that the white horse has been used as a symbol of white -headed blood since the Kim Richeng period.Father Kim Richeng launched an idolization work in the image of "White Horse Anti -Japanese Guerrilla Captain".As the third -generation leader, Kim Jong -un, who had publicly rode a white horse with his father Kim Jong Il during his childhood, emphasizing that he was "the heir of the white -headed blood".

Zheng Chengchang, Institute of Sejong Research, believes that in the parade, Kim Jong -un's "Bai Tou Mountain Army Horse" opens up "Dear Children" Jin Zhu's favorite steed.At the same time, let the masses sing "vowed to support Kim Jong -un" and "vowed to defend the white -headed bloodline (golden bead love)", which was simply "the successor".

But Park Yuankun, a professor at the Department of Korean Studies at Lihua University of Women's University, believes that Xuan Songyue, the vice minister of the party and Zhao Yiyuan, secretary of the party organization, have also released the scene of riding white horses. Therefore, the white horse is not just a white -headed blood.Before North Korea decided to successor, he would start idolization at the same time, but no such signs have occurred.

However, Radio Free Asia reported on the 11th that North Korea has recently renamed women with "Pearl Ai" in Zhengzhou City, Ping'an, Ping An, Ping An, Ping An Nangdao City.In the past, North Korea banned the use of the names of leaders such as Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong -un.

Wu Qingzheng, a research member of the Unified Research Institute, pointed out that Jinzhu Ai should be regarded as one of the candidates for the successor.North Korea's public appearance in Jinzhuai is to emphasize white head blood, and ultimately strengthen Kim Jong -un's own authority and power.

The Central Daily analysis pointed out that North Korea asked the little girl to stand on the parade of the new weapon, trying to dilute Kim Jong -un's cruel image, and successfully attracted the attention of the international community.Although North Korea was severely sanctioned and the border was blocked for three consecutive years due to the epidemic, North Korea played an important role in the results of the national defense field, highlighting the results of the national defense field.