Pryigon did not criticize the Russian army leadership as in the past, but implied that the commanders were hiding behind and obviously disconnected from the front line soldiers.

(London Composite Electric) Russian mercenaries Wagner Group leader Pricig is rare in an interview that Moscow may take two years to effectively control two strategic areas in eastern Ukraine.

In the video released on Friday (February 10), Pricig was interviewed by Russian military blog Semyon Pegov.The two republics, which were merged last year last year, were considered to be considered.

"As far as I know, we must block the Republic of Donetsk and Lugusk. In principle, this is temporarily suitable for everyone."

Pritigen said that it takes one and a half to two years."If we have to reach the Dieber River, it takes about three years." He refers to a wider area extending to the Dieber River.The Dieber River flows from north to south, dividing Ukraine into two.

Porigon does not represent the Russian military, but the mercenaries he led to participate in some of the most intense battles in the Russian and Ukraine War.His speech was rare to see Russia's expectations for the duration of the war.

Pryigon said that Russia must occupy Bakhmut.The city in Donetsk has faced the violent offensive of the Russian army for several months, but Ukraine defenders are still stubbornly resisting.

When asked if the Russian army was close to the city, Pleigo said, "Now that we are close to it, it may be too early. There are many ways to go out.Military training is plain, and like any big city, it is impossible to occupy it directly. We do well. "

Pryigo did not attack the Russian army leadership as in the past, but implied that the commanders were hiding behind, and the soldiers of the front line were obviously disconnected.

"If a general enters the trenches and talks with soldiers, then frankly speaking, in the current circumstances, the soldiers will be very surprised and happy. This is enough to make them understand that they are not fighting alone."

The United States evaluated that about 50,000 Wagner hired mercenaries to deploy to Ukraine, including 10,000 mercenaries and 40,000 criminals recruited from Russian prison.Porigen said in an interview that Wagner had stopped recruiting prisoners.He also denied treating these prisoners as cannon fodder. If he was calculated by percentage, the prisoners who died were roughly the same as other mercenaries.

The commander -in -chief of the Ukrainian armed forces Tazali said on Saturday that despite the tight frontline of the front line, the Ukraine still adhered to the many defense lines in the Donetzk area, and even recovered some of the land.Zaluigini did not specifically explain what lost land has been recovered.He said that the Ukrainian army continued to control Bachmut and "stabilized" the front line around the city.