Bayeng delivered his second National Love Consultation in the Parliament's Joint Congress on Tuesday night to the Parliament's joint meeting.He said: "I promise to cooperate with China that can promote the interests of the United States and benefit the world. But please don't misunderstand: As we stated last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will take action to protect the country.Yes. "

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden stated in a speech in Guoqing Counseling that he would cooperate with China if he was willing to promote US interests, but if the United States was threatened, he would not hesitate to take action.

Biden vowed to continue to support Ukraine to fight against Russian aggression.He emphasized that it is necessary to cooperate with the Republican Party to solve a series of domestic issues such as debt, economy, and employment, including reviving the influence of the US manufacturing and controlling large technology companies.

Bynden delivered his second National Love Counseling Speech since the Parliament's Joint Congress on Tuesday (February 7) in the evening of the Congress.

When talking about diplomatic issues, Biden said that the United States is in "the most powerful position in decades and can compete with any other country in the world."

Bynden said: "I promise to cooperate with China that can promote the interests of the United States and benefit the world. But please do not misunderstand: as we stated last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will take action.Protect the country. We do it. "

Biden obviously refers to an incident in the United States that hit the Chinese reconnaissance balloon last week.The United States claims that it is a spy balloon, and China is called a civil scientific research balloon.U.S. Secretary of State Brillings delayed visiting China for flying in the United States.After the United States shot down the balloon, it caused dissatisfaction in China, saying that the United States had excessive reactions.

China promotes the United States to promote the return of the two countries to return to the healthy and stable development track

In response to the statement of Biden's Guoqing Counseling, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said in Beijing on Wednesday that China would "firmly defend China's sovereignty, security, and development benefits."US relations return to the track of healthy and stable development. "

When talking about the Russian and Ukraine War, Biden promised again that as long as there is a need, the United States will always support Ukraine.

Relative to the first national affairs counseling on March 1 last year, the situation of Ukraine focused on the situation in Ukraine. In this 73 -minute speech, Biden spent a lot of ink in the past two years of domestic political achievements and conveying optimistic expectations.There are not many substantial policy declarations throughout the lecture.Biden announced only when talking about infrastructure investment and employment bills with a total amount of over trillion dollars, and will promulgate new standards that require all building materials used in federal infrastructure projects to be made in the United States.

When it comes to the semiconductor industry, Biden said that the United States has lost its advantages in semiconductor production. During the crown disease epidemic, auto manufacturers cannot obtain chips produced overseas.He said, "We can't let this happen again."

Bynden talked about his legislation with the strong support of the two parties last year, promoted the development of the US semiconductor industry and promised to do more.

He said: "In order to invest in the United States, I will not apologize for this. Innovation in the United States, invest in the industry that determines the future, and invest in the industry that China intends to dominate."

Biden also called on Congress to increase taxes on oligopoly and proposed that Congress will increase the company's stock repurchase tax four times, saying that after -tax companies will still obtain considerable profits.He also suggested that the "minimum income tax" of "billionaires" requires families with assets of more than $ 100 million (about 132 million yuan) to pay at least 20%of taxes.

Biden also called on Congress to "strengthen anti -monopoly law enforcement through the legislation of the two parties to prevent large online platforms from bringing unfair advantages to its own products."

In this speech, Bayeng's speech was sitting on the seat behind him.Before the speech began, Biden shook hands with McCarthy twice, and said with a ridicule in the opening white language: "Mr. Speaker, I don't want to destroy your reputation, but I look forward to cooperating with you."

Bynden then challenged Republicans, asking them to increase the upper limit of US debt and support the more friendly tax policy for the middle class in the United States.However, some Republicans questioned and laughed at him from time to time during his speech.

Biden did not shrink back.When Biden mentioned some Republicans to support the abolition of medical insurance and social security, a Republican member repeatedly shouted that Biden was a "lie".Biden then laughed and announced that everyone had "unanimously agreed", and the reduction of the social security network plan welcomed by voters was no longer considering.