(Washington Composite Electric) The two houses of the United States have increased their efforts to promote legislation to prohibit the use of Tiktok in the United States.

The Republican leader of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives McCawal said on Friday (January 27) that he was ready to let the committee vote for the prohibition of using Tiktok's bill next month.

"We are worried that this application has opened the back door for the Chinese government to enter our mobile phones." He said that the establishment of a firewall may not be able to fully protect American users. Therefore, And will solve the constitutional issues that may trigger the implementation of the relevant ban at the same time.

McCur's remarks are the most obvious signs of the US Congress that may prohibit Tiktok this year this year.This will make the Biden government face greater pressure and may force Tiktok's parent company to sell this application.

In addition to the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, the House of Representatives and the Senate also have similar actions, including the cross -party bill proposed by the Wisconsin Republican Republican Republican Representatives Gragell and the Illinois Democratic Party, Crisanamulti.

In addition, the Republican Senator Holy and Colorado's Republic of Cororo, Buck, have just proposed a plan for prohibiting Tiktok.Holy urged the committee to review the security risk of TIKTOK, and said that he would only be relieved by selling this application to Americans.

Tiktok spokesman issued a statement saying that Tiktok is a scattered strategy, which is not helpful for solving widespread issues such as national security, data security, protection of privacy, and online hazards.

"We hope that legislators will focus on solving the overall problem, rather than pretending that a service can solve the problem they worry about or make Americans safer."

Tiktok has more than 100 million users in the United States. It has been trying to guarantee the personal data of American citizens in Washington in the past three years, and the content of the user will not be manipulated by Chinese official or influenced by China.

In 2020, the Trump administration tried to prevent new users from downloading Tiktok, and also made this application unable to use it in the United States through various methods, but these measures were later blocked in court lawsuits.The Biden government officially abandoned these practices in June 2021.In December, Republican Senator Rubio proposed a two -party legislative proposal for Tiktok, and prevented all transactions from any social media company influenced by China and Russia.

U.S. President Bynden signed a bill last month to prohibit federal employees from using or downloading Tiktok at government equipment.At present, more than 25 states across the United States have banned the use of Tiktok on official devices because the company and parent company may allow Chinese officials to obtain information from American users.

But analysts believe that Tiktok is widely welcomed by young American people, and the ban may face great resistance in Congress.Some Democratic members have not come forward to support Tiktok for the time being, but are waiting for the Bayeng government to send signals.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy (Republican) and the major party leader of the Senate Schummer (Democratic Party) are still unwilling to show whether they will perform the TIKTOK ban to vote.