(Washington Composite Electric) China -US confrontation and the continued Russia and Ukraine War continued. Facing the current international security environment, a research report in Washington pointed out that the foundation of the US defense industry has not been fully prepared.

The latest report released by the Washington Think Tank Strategy and the National Research Center (CSIS) said that since the outbreak of the Russia -Ukraine War in February last year, the United States provided Ukraine with a large number of military equipment and supplies.After all, such as "poisonous thorns", the 155mm howitzer and ammunition, etc., while the United States supplemented the arsenal of the United States slowly.

This report entitled "The Box of the Battle of the U.S. Defense Industry in the Wars: Challenge of the U.S. Defense Industry" mentioned that there are many problems in the US defense industry, and it is caused by outdated military contracting procedures and dull bureaucratic agencies.These may weaken the ability of the US military to carry out a long -term war on China.

CSIS believes that the tension between the Russian and Ukraine War and the continuous intensification of China and the United States highlight that the United States is no longer in a peaceful environment.However, the national defense industry foundation is still operating in the rhythm of a peaceful period."In a major region conflict, such as war with China in the Taiwan Strait, the ammunition used by the United States may exceed the current inventory of the Ministry of National Defense, leading to the problem of 'empty box'."

Recently, CSIS has repeatedly referred to the Taiwan Strait War after many war. In the conflict, the United States may use some ammunition within a week, such as remote precision missiles.In addition, transportation ammunition is also a tricky issue.

"Because Taiwan is an island, once the war begins, China's blockade and long -range firepower capabilities will prevent weapon systems and ammunition from entering this area." The report suggested that the United States re -evaluate the total demand for arms and determine that sustainable ammunition purchase procurementPlan to meet the current and future needs.

In contrast, China is still constantly strengthening military forces.Officials of the Biden government estimated that China has invested in a large number of military fires and obtaining high -end weapon systems and equipment, which is five or six times that of the United States.

US think tank: the United States must make a good preparation of the maritime front

Another US think tank "Strategy and Budget Evaluation Center" (CSBA) senior researcher Yoshihara Hengshu issued a report on Thursday (January 19) stating that the PLA through the study of the Midway Island, Gwadar Kanal Island, and the Island of the PLAThe Battle of Okinawa obtained experience in information warfare, intelligence collection, and logistics supplies.As the Chinese Navy transformed into a world -class navy, it may become more and more like the Japanese joint fleet on the eve of Pearl Harbor.China's land -based missiles and aircraft arsenal can make opponents' surface warships in danger.

He said that the United States must change the way of thinking about future war and prepare for the competition of the increasingly fierce country at sea.Just as the Japanese Imperial Navy conducts a striking attack in the Indian Ocean, the global PLA may also open a new front line in the theater outside the Western Pacific.

Republican Senator Holy wrote to State Secretary of State Brosky last month reminded that the Bayeng government's military assistance in Ukraine affected the efforts of the United States' strengthening of Taiwan's defense capabilities.

The Voice of America reported that the Republican Senator Konon pointed out on Monday (January 23) at the event of the American Institute of Enterprise (AEI) that the foundation of the defense industry in the United States may be difficult to respond to the simultaneous response in Asia and Europe.The war erupted at the same time.

Konin refers to the war of war in the Russian and Ukraine War, but the United States and Taiwan have not yet prepared for the conflict of the Taiwan Strait. "Now I haven't seen the determination to go all out to try to solve this problem ... If the United States is in the United StatesConflicts occur in Asia or elsewhere, obviously caught off guard. "

Konon said that although the United States has the advantages of China without China, it is unknown how many allies resources can be integrated in the Taiwan Strait situation.