Following the dance school in Montrapak, two other cities in California, the half -monthly bay and Auckland, have also shot tragedies. One of the 67 -year -old Asian men opened in two farms.The gun killed seven colleagues, and another person was admitted to the hospital.Local media reported that the deceased was Chinese farmers.

(Los Angeles Composite Electric) Three shootings occurred within three days of California, USA. Following the dance school in Monteleta, Monterea, the other two cities, the half -monthly bay and Auckland also had shooting tragedies.

In San Matio Banyue Bay, northern California, a 67 -year -old Asian man shot and killed seven colleagues in two farms, and another person was admitted to the hospital.Local media reported that the deceased was Chinese farmers.

The suspect Zhao Chunli has been arrested, and the motivation of the case is unknown.

San Matto Sheriff Colesti said that the police received a notice from 22:22 pm on Monday (January 23) at 22:22 pm (at 6:22 am on the 24th of Singapore time)People are dead and injured.

Police arrived at the place of the incident and found that the four died of gunshot wounds, and a victim suffered gunshot injury. He was in danger of life and had been sent to Stanford Medical Center.The police soon discovered that three people died in the gunshot.

Corpus said that after the suspect was doing the crime, he drove to a police station in Banyue Bay and seemed to want to surrender.The staff of the TV News Channel ABC7 was waiting for the press conference to be held at the time. As a result, the suspects wearing red wool sweater and blue jeans were taken by police officers.After the police, he found a semi -automatic pistol in his car.

Bynden called on Congress to ban offensive weapons

Corpus said that there was a home in the place of the incident. "It was in the afternoon that the children were all out of school, and they saw it all terrible."

U.S. President Biden has instructed the federal law enforcement agencies to provide necessary assistance to local officials.Bayeng also called on Congress to take action quickly to prohibit offensive weapons, "maintaining American communities, schools, workplaces and family safety."

A few hours later, a shooting event in the evening of Auckland caused one person to die and seven people were injured.

After receiving a alert from SHOTSPOTER from the local police at 6 pm at 6 pm, they went to investigate and found a few shells, but there were no victims.

Soon, many hospitals notified the police to receive several patients with gunshot wounds, and they all went to the hospital for treatment by themselves.Police said that the situation of the seven wounded was stable, and the identity of the deceased was announced to be announced after notifying his family.

Police investigating whether the dance school is suspected of being fierce for personal grievances

On the other hand, the number of deaths in the shooting of the California New Year's Eve Dance School has increased to 11 people. Police are still investigating whether 72 -year -old Vietnamese old man Chen Youqin (transliteration, Huu can) do it because of jealousy or personal

The coronant in Los Angeles said that all the deceased was middle -aged and elderly people in their 50s to 70 years old.Investigators found 42 bullet cases at the Dance Star Art Dance Academy.

Sunday Sunday was found to commit suicide by the police in the car.

A local resident said that he believed that the old man's ex -wife was invited to attend a New Year celebration of the lunar calendar, but the old man was not invited, and he might feel jealous and dissatisfied.A tenant of the old man, Yaha, said that the landlord was aggressive and suspicious, and there were no friends and family.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lena said that after the incident, the police went to his house to search and found hundreds of bullets. I believe he made a self -made firearm mucus at home.The old man was arrested in 1994 for illegally holding guns.

According to local media reports, the old man was born in Vietnam and immigrated to the United States more than 20 years ago. He was a frequent visitor to a dance school, but one of his friends said that he did not trust many people there and thought they often said behind them to say behind them.His bad things.

The ex -wife of the old man told the American Television News (CNN) that the two met at the dance school 20 years ago. At that time, the old man proposed to give her a non -formal dance class.The marriage between the two ended in 2006.She said that the old man was sometimes impatient, such as when she danced in the wrong way.

Old man also tried to attack the "Lai Lai Ballroom Studio" of the adjacent city of Alhambra.Fortunately, the person in charge of Landon Tsay (transliterated, Brandon Tsay) took his pistol in time, and the old man fled immediately.

Los Angeles City Hamit City Police said that the old Han Dynasty arrived at the police station on January 7 and 9, accusing the family offending fraud, theft and poisonous behaviors in 10 to 20 years ago.The police said: "The old man said he would return to the police station with the relevant allegations, but he never returned."