German Chancellor Tsutz said that the 14 leopard 2 tanks will be transferred from inventory. The goal is to quickly establish two camps equipped with Leopard 2 tanks for Ukraine.Germany will also issue relevant transfer licenses to partnerships, so that they will quickly transport the inventory leopard 2 tank to Ukraine.

(Berlin Composite Electric) Germany announced that it will provide Ukraine with the main battle tank, and it is expected that the United States will also follow up.This is possible to improve the combat power of the Ukraine, assist it to repel the Russian army while avoiding division of western allies.Moscow claims that this is "blatant provocation."

German Prime Minister Shuorz issued a statement on Wednesday (January 25) that the military will first call out 14 "Leopard 2" tanks from inventory. The goal is to quickly establish two camps equipped with Leopard 2 tanks for UkraineEssence

Statement says that Germany will soon provide relevant training for the Ukraine and will provide logistical and ammunition.In addition, Germany will issue relevant transfer permits to partners, so that they will quickly transport the inventory leopard 2 tank to Ukraine.

Earlier, sources said that Washington would first announce it on Wednesday with M1 ABRAMS tank with Ukraine, and changed its previous opposition.It is understood that the United States may promise to deliver about 30 tanks in the next few months.

Although the US official has not confirmed the news that it will provide the main battle tank, Kiev has welcomed it saying that the virtue tank may change the rules of the game on the battlefield.However, the number of tanks intended to provide by virtue is much lower than the scale of the hundreds of vehicles that can liberate all the occupation areas.

The person in charge of the Ukrainian president's office, Yeer Mark, wrote in the communication application Telegram: "Provide us hundreds of tanks ... this will become a real democratic fist."

The Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said that Washington may be delivered to Ukraine the main battle tank will be "another blatant provocation" to Russia.

Virtue transport tank helps Western solidarity

Technically, this is a failure plan.This is overestimated by improving the combat effectiveness of the Ukraine.These tanks will be destroyed like all other tanks.The difference is that they are very expensive.

-Cremlin spokesman Peskov

Antonov said on the Telegram Channel of the Embassy: "Obviously, Washington is deliberately trying to make us fail. If the United States decides to provide tanks, then use the" defensive weapon "to defend this behavior.No. This will be another blatant provocation to Russia. "

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov told reporters: "Technically, this is a failure plan. This (referring to tank) the effect of improving the combat power of the Ukraine is overestimated. These tanks will be like all other all others.The tank is also destroyed. The difference is that they are very expensive. "

Virtue provides Ukraine's main battle tank, which will enable the Ukrainian army to gain important new combat power, which may help it break through the Russian defense line and weaken the spring offensive that the Russian army may be planning.

Virtue transport tanks also help Western unity. Previously, these allies split because Germany was unwilling to provide tanks.

About 20 troops in the world have deployed German leopard tanks.Because of the large number of tanks and easy to deploy and maintain, it is regarded as the best choice to supply Ukraine.

But Germany has always been unwilling to do so without the same action in the allies, and suggested that if the United States provides its own tanks, Germany will follow up.

The U.S. government insists that the Abrams tank is meaningless to Ukraine because it uses special fuel, too heavy, and difficulty in repair.According to people familiar with the matter, the Bayeon government provided Urbrams tanks to Ukraine to persuade Germany.