(Seoul Composite Electric) Due to the surge in unknown cases of respiratory diseases in the near future, North Korea officially ordered the capital Pyongyang to seal the city for five days.This is the first time North Korea has adopted the city's sealing control since North Korea announced the "victory over the crown disease epidemic".

According to the news website "North Korea News (NK News", which is headquartered in Seoul and specially tracking North Korean affairs, it is quoted that Pyongyang citizens must live on Sunday on Wednesday (January 25), and submit several physical temperature testing a day per day.EssenceFengcheng's notification did not mention crown diseases, but the symptoms of the respiratory disease include normal colds.

According to reports, considering that the measures of the city may be strengthened, Pyongyang citizens have begun to hoard their supplies.The official has not stated whether other cities will also be closed.

In April last year, North Korea reported the first crown disease, and immediately announced that the crown disease epidemic was over three months later.During the popularity of crown disease, North Korea officials have never announced the specific number of domestic infections. It is speculated that the reason may be that North Korea does not have the ability to carry out large -scale testing.

Although the official announced the heating case every day, it will no longer report from July 29.

At present, North Korean official media continue to report on the prevention and control of respiratory diseases including influenza, but it has not disclosed the details of the city.The official media claimed that the open cities bordering South Korea have strengthened public propaganda, "Make the working people spontaneously understand the measures to prevent big popularity in daily work."

Global health experts and the World Health Organization have always been skeptical of North Korea's coronary data and prevention and control effects.

Experts point out that North Korea's medical system is at a backward level in the world, lack of medical supplies, and lack of drugs needed to treat crown disease.In addition, although it is reported that North Korea has accepted a Chinese coronary vaccine, the vaccination of the country's vaccine is still questioned.