The insider said these supports include non -fatal military and economic assistance.CNN reports that Chinese companies provide non -fatal military supplies such as bullet -proof and helmets to Russia, but they do not provide stronger military assistance.

(Washington Composite Electric) Bloomberg News quoted people familiar with the matter on Tuesday (January 24) that the Bayeng government of the United States proposed evidence to the Chinese government, showing that some Chinese state -owned enterprises may provide support for Russia's war in Ukraine and try to determine Beijing to determine BeijingDo you know about these activities.

The insider refused to provide details, only to say that these supports include non -fatal military and economic assistance.The United States CNN (CNN) also quoted many sources familiar with European and American information that Chinese companies provided non -fatal military supplies such as bulletproof clothing and helmets to Russia, but did not provide stronger military assistance that Russia requested.

It is reported that U.S. officials are worried about this trend and have warned Chinese officials how it may have the impact of providing support from Russia and Ukraine.

The National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency refused to comment on relevant reports.The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not reply to the email requested by the media.However, US officials admit that Russian -China relations are now very close, and China has more support for Russia than in the past.

Those who are familiar with Biden government thinking say that the United States believes that these Chinese state -owned enterprises deliberately assist Russia to fight in Ukraine, but it is not clear whether the Chinese government knows.The United States is examining relevant evidence that if Chinese companies support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it will have a disturbing impact on the United States on Russia and China policies.

The United States is seeking to hinder the Russian military's military operations in Ukraine by isolation by isolation and killing the Russian economy.If China provides more support to Russia as the world's second largest economy, this strategy of the United States may be significantly weakened.

may open the new Sino -US new dispute

In addition, if the Chinese government supports Russia to fight or acquiesce in state -owned enterprises, Biden and his consultant will decide how much counterattack against China, which may start a new dispute between China and the United States.At present, the United States is trying to achieve a balance between stabilizing Sino -US relations, limiting China to obtain high -end chips and responding to China's increasingly aggressive posture.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky will go to Beijing in February. It is the first time that US Secretary of State has visited China since October 2018. It is expected that he will ask Chinese officials to support Chinese companies that may support Russia's combat.

Chinese officials have always avoided criticizing Russia to launch a war of invasion and stated that they are willing to play a role in peaceful negotiations, and at the same time they oppose the use of nuclear weapons in Russia and Ukraine.However, the United States believes that China's position is not as neutral on the surface, but hopes to help Russia.

U.S. officials believe that China originally planned to sell fatal weapons to Russia, but the international community supported Ukraine, and Russia lost its defeat on the battlefield to make this plan.According to CNN reports, American intelligence officials have not found evidence that China has provided fatal aid to Russia, and the Bayeng government regards this as a victory.

However, at the time of the multi -country economy, China has deepened its trade relations with Russia.In 2022, China's total imports from Russia increased by nearly 50%year -on -year, while exports to Russia increased by 13%.

China said before the war in Russia and Ukraine that China -Russia cooperation was "unlimited."In December last year, Chinese officials agreed with Putin's video meeting to cooperate in the fields of trade, energy, finance, agriculture and other fields.Putin said that he hoped that the two countries would deepen military cooperation.