Kishida Anbao New Ce took Okinawa as a remote missile hinterland, which attracted the anxiety of the Okinawa people.Okinawa's public opinion is worried that the county will become a military goal and even become the battlefield of Japan and the United States to China.

The Japanese new version of the security policy should treat Okinawa as the hinterland of the self -defense missile counterattack, and deploy long -range missiles at Ishigaki Island, about 270 kilometers from Taiwan.Okinawa's public opinion pointed out that the risk of Okinawa as a military goal will increase significantly.Okinawa may also become a battlefield for Japan and the United States to China.

Daily News reported that through three key documents related to the national security strategy related strategy on Friday (December 16), it is planned to adapt the 15th Brigade of the Land Self -Defense Force stationed in Okinawa in the next five years into one.division.In order to strengthen military forces to respond to China, the government also started to deploy the Self -Defense Force to the southwest islands near Taiwan.In March 2019, the Japanese Land Self -Defense Force launched a police mechanism on Gonggu Island and deployed a missile unit a year later.The official plans to expand the Land Self -Defense Force to Ishigaki Island, which is closer to Taiwan in March 2023, where the missile forces and remote missiles deployed as the missile launch field to combat target countries.

Okinawa was originally the base of the US military base in Japan. The strategy of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida is to dispatch more self -defense teams in order to expand Okinawa's strategic position.

Kishida said at a press conference: "The deployment of the United States in the Okinawa Army and the strengthening of the Self -Defense Force of Okinawa will help Japan's security deterrence. In the future, we will also make Okinawa more important in order to strengthen the combat effectiveness."

Aiming at Kishida Mannai's confidence to enhance Okinawa's strategic position, Danny Yumu, awareness of Masao in Okinawa County: "By establishing a military force to strengthen deterrence, it will exacerbate tensions and drive missile military arms competitions in the surrounding areas., I also hope to replace the military confrontation with diplomatic efforts. "

may stimulate the contradictions in Northeast Asia

A Okinawa resident who runs a flower shop near the Shigaki Self -Defense Force Garrison in the Shigaki Island Land Self -Defense Force also said: "After the security documents are introduced, the base construction of the Self -Defense Force will definitely accelerate.The U.S. military's force is involved in Taiwan. The Ishigaki Island area where the Self -Defense Force base will definitely become a battlefield. Seeing this situation, I have to consider migrating my family to other places. "

Jiang Shangzhong, a South Korean scholar in Japan, said: "The new strategy of security in Japan may also stimulate the contradictions in Northeast Asia." He tried to use Japan as a "earthquake country" to prevent Japanese military expansion in TV interview programs.Military expenses were raised to the same as Germany, that is, 2%of GDP."I think the defense of Germany cannot be discussed in the same frame. In the past century, Germany has never had a magnitude 6 earthquake, but Japan is a strong earthquake. Japan should do a good job of earthquake prevention work and build Japan as a tough land.Countries. Not to use the Japanese people's taxes to build sea, land and air, and air, because Japan with earthquakes is not suitable for a long -lasting war. "

Chinese economists in Japan said at the lecture that China has been paying attention to this security strategy introduced by Japan and is concerned about Japan's attitude towards China.It is inevitable to treat China as a threat.The Chinese Communist Party must use this military information from Japan as the future policy of Japan.

According to the Kyodo News Agency on Sunday (18th), nearly 65%of the people in Japan do not support the government to increase taxes to strengthen military strength.

The results of public opinion surveys show that only 30%of the respondents support tax increases, and 87%of the respondents believe that Kishida's need for tax increases is insufficient.