(Kolicpak Composite Electric) After the US and the European Union officials conducted consultations on the United States' reduction of inflation law disputes, the two sides promised to solve the problem of electric vehicle subsidies that might trigger the trade war.The European Union called for resolution by the end of the year, but Washington did not make specific concessions.

U.S. and European officials held a third meeting of the Trade and Technology Commission in Maryland, USA on Monday (December 5) to reduce the inflation method to become the focus of talks.Because this method provides tax credits for newly purchased Tesla, Ford and other North American electric vehicles, the EU believes that this is providing unfair subsidies to American manufacturers and mayDestruction of cross -strait relations.

State State, a Secretary of State of the United States attending the Trade and Technology Commission, said that the United States has heard "European friends' concerns about certain legislation on certain legislation" and set up a working group with the European Union."As President Biden said, we will continue to promote dialogue and work hard to solve differences."

EUBRovskis, vice chairman of the European Commission, said that the situation was "optimistic than when we arrived", but he emphasized the urgency of resolving disputes."Reduce the implementation of the inflation method next January. We must see the results within this year."

Bloomberg pointed out that because the inflation method has passed, it may be difficult for the United States to find the method of soothing Europe.EU officials are pushing the United States to provide European countries with exceptions similar to Canada and Mexico.

Lai Yinshi, who once served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce in the Clinton government, said that the most likely way to resolve the EU's concerns is that the US Treasury has issued exemptions, allowing European cars to meet the tax credits.

Lai Yinshi, who currently serves as a senior adviser at the Washington Strategy and International Research Center, said that if facing the lawsuit, it is unlikely that the legislation is unlikely to stand in the court, but the entire lawsuit may take several years to complete it to completeTherefore, it is a temporary solution.

Lai Yinshi said: "I don't think they have such a great flexibility that the president implies" to meet European requirements.

When President Bayeng met with the French President Macron on December 1st, he met with reporters, saying that "we can make some adjustments to reduce the inflation method and make European countries easier to participate."

According to people familiar with the matter, the United States and the European Union are considering new tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum as one of the measures to reduce carbon emissions and cope with excess global capacity.

The United States and Europe considers the taxation of Chinese steel and aluminum to reduce carbon volume to respond to overcapacity

The United States and Europe seek tariff measures that are usually used for trade disputes to promote the climate agenda, which is a new measure.

People familiar with the matter said that the idea came from the Biden government and is still in the initial stage.As for reaching an agreement with the EU, including how to determine the specific details of the threshold for applicable tariffs, it will not be possible to reach the sooner we next year, and this timetable is still optimistic.

The new framework will be based on the relevant US -Europe Agreement last year. It is mainly aimed at China's largest carbon emission country and steel and aluminum producers, as well as other contaminated powers.

As China and the United States promise to deal with climate change together, the new tariff plan may deepen the differences between Beijing and Washington.

However, for the US -Europe relations that are damaged due to trade frictions, the United States and the European Union's negotiations in climate crisis may be a positive sign.