(Riyady Composite Electric) When the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia falls into a trough, Saudi Arabia will receive a Chinese official this week.Analysts said that this shows that Liyad is determined to have a good relationship with Beijing regardless of the wisdom of Western allies.

Reuters said that Chinese officials are expected to visit Liade from Tuesday (December 6). During this period, he will attend the first China-Arab Summit, which is expected to be held on Friday.

Political Risk Consulting Company Eurasia Group's head of the Middle East and North Africa regions, Kamalller, said: "Edar is considered from a strategic perspective, hoping to have a good relationship with Beijing, because the other party is an indispensable economic partner."

He pointed out that for the Persian Gulf countries that rely on the security guarantee provided by the United States, the United States is still their preferred partners, but Saudi Arabia is developing a new foreign policy to reduce the economic life of Saudi Arabia -carbon carbonAt the time of Hydrocarbon, he assisted Saudi Arabia's economic transformation.

Kamallo said: "Of course, it is risky to strengthen the relationship with China, which may lead to the division of the United States and Saudi Arabia (further) ... But (Saudi Crown Prince) Muhammad did not do so for discharge."

China's official trip is in the trough of the relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia.In 2018, Saudi Exile journalist Kashuji was shadowed on the relationship between Meisha.Under the leadership of the Biden government, the US -Saisa relations further deteriorated because of the Ukrainian war, as well as the oil policy of the Organization of Petroleum Export and its allies.Washington is paying attention to China's growing influence in the Middle East.

Crown Prince Muhammad told the Atlantic Monthly in March this year that he didn't care whether the US President Biden misunderstood him, saying that Biden should pay attention to the interests of the United States.This shows that he was annoyed by the human rights record of criticism of Liade.

In the same month, the Saudi official news agency quoted Muhammad's speech that although Riya's aimed at strengthening the relationship with Washington, it could also choose to reduce the "interests" in the United States, that is, Saudi Arabia's investment in the United States.

Saudi Arabia and its Persian Bay ally said that although the United States has a reservation of their relationships with Russia and China, they will continue to diversify partnerships to meet economic and security benefits.

The Atlantic Council is very resident, a senior researcher Folton, said that Mohammed hopes to prove to the Saudi people that Saudi Arabia is important to many global powers."Maybe he is also sending signals to the United States, but ... he cares more about domestic views."

Ultraman, director of the Middle East project of the Washington Strategy and the International Research Center, said that although the relationship between Saudi Arabia and China seems to be "faster" than the relationship with the United States, the actual relationship is incomparable."As far as complexity and intimacy are concerned, the relationship between Saudi and China is dwarfed with its relationship with the United States."