Vice -State New Lan, deputy Secretary of State in the United States, said that Putin's current attitude towards Russia and Ukraine is not sincere.The water and electricity supply forced them to yield.

(Washington Comprehensive) The US intelligence system has observed that the rhythm of the Russia and Ukraine has slowed down and is expected to last for several months, but there is no evidence that the Ukraine's resistance will weaken.

The National Intelligence Director of the National Intelligence Haynes Saturday (December 3) said at the Reagan Defense Forum that the Russia and Ukraine Army seemed to be trying to make up and supplies to prepare for the big counterattack after winter, but it seems that Russia's counterattacks are counterattack.The willingness is not as strong as Ukraine.

When asked about the influence of Russia's attack on Ukraine grids and other civil infrastructure, Haynes said that some purpose of Moscow was to weaken the Ukrainian resistance, but "there is no evidence that this is affected."

Haynes said that the political goal of Russian President Putin in Ukraine did not seem to change, but American intelligence analysts believe that he may be willing to "temporarily reduce" the recent military goals, and it will come back later.

Hanes also said that Russia seemed to exhaust its military reserves soon."This is unusual, we feel that they are not capable of producing what they consume at this stage. This is why you see them trying to get ammunition from other countries."

Haynes said that the United States noticed some trends of providing ammunition for North Korea to Russia, but there were not much at this stage.Iran also provides Russia with drones, and Moscow is trying to obtain other types of precise ammunition from Tehran.

The United States Deputy Secretary of State New Lan, deputy Secretary of State in the United States, said on Saturday at Kiev and President Zelezi and other senior officials that Putin's current attitude towards Russia and Ukraine is not sincere.The degree, attempts to force them to yield by cutting off the water and electricity supply of civilians.

U.S. President Bayeng said last week that if Putin intends to end the war, he is ready to talk to Putin.The Kremlin said that the West must acknowledge the four Ukrainian regions that Moscow's annexed in the Russian territory, causing the White House to dispel the idea quickly.

Newland said that Russia's reaction shows that "they are not sincere at all."

French President Macron suggested in an interview broadcast on Saturday that if Putin is willing to talk and end the war, the West should seriously consider resolving Russia's hidden concerns about ensuring their own safety.

Macron said during his visit to French television during his visit to Washington last week: "One of the key issues that we must solve is what President Putin has always said that he is worried that the NATO will expand to Russia's door, and deployment may threaten Russia.Weapon. "

Aiming at the European Union, the Seventh -way Group, and Australia agreed to restrict Russia's export oil at $ 60, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak said that it would rather reduce production and would not be exported to oil affected by top prices.

Zeelianzki feels that the West does not do enough, because the top price of $ 60 will still contribute about $ 100 billion (about 135 billion yuan) for Russia's budget each year.

On the other hand, Microsoft's prophecy predicted that the Russian Internet forces will step up and strengthen network offensives for military and politically supporting Ukraine at home and abroad.

The general manager of the Microsoft Digital Threat Analysis Center, Witz, called on the Microsoft Blog to invite customers to prepare for the Russian Internet forces to strengthen the offensive in winter.He said that the Russian intelligence department's recent computer virus attack on Poland can be said to be the first shot of the Russian network to launch an attack on Ukraine.