(Washington Composite Electric) The White House confirmed that the United States is still arranging US President Biden to meet with Chinese officials at the G20 Summit in the 20th of the G20.

The National Security Council spokesperson Kobe said at the briefing on Tuesday (November 1) that the working group of the two parties is still trying to plan the meeting between the US leaders.Cerbin said: "The two of our staff are still studying (Biden and Chinese officials) that may meet ... I have no news to announce today, but there are still some employee -level jobs. See if it isCan be achieved. "

Kobe: Make -worship has been called five times to communicate with each other.

Kobe emphasized that Biden and Chinese officials have conducted five calls, and the communication channels of the heads of state of the two countries are "unblocked."Kurbi did not confirm whether the two would hold a face -to -face talks when they attended the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia this month.

Bynden has not held physical talks with Chinese officials since he took office last year.Bayon said in September that if both of them attended, he "confirmed" to see Chinese officials at the summit.It will be the first face -to -face talks since Biden took office in January last year.

This year's G20 summit will be held in Bali Island from 13th to 16th of this month.Prior to this, Biden will go to the 27th Conference of the Contract Congress (COP27) at the 27th Conference of the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention on the 11th of Egypt.Cheng to Bali.

Indonesian President Zoko confirmed in August that Chinese officials will attend the summit in Bali Island.The Chinese government has not determined whether the Chinese official will attend the COP27 or East Asian Summit.

Chinese official last Wednesday (October 26) pointed out to the United States and China Relations National Committee Annual Awards Dinner to Congratulations: "China is willing to work with the United States, respect each other, live peacefully, win a win -win situation, find China and the United States in the new era, China and the United StatesThe right way to get along is both beneficial to the two countries and benefiting the world. "Bloomberg reported that the Chinese official's tone eased a lot in congratulatory letters compared with the speech of the 20th National Congress.

However, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference the next day that there is no news that can be provided at present.Another foreign ministerial spokesman Zhao Lijian also said at a regular press conference on Monday: "I don't have the information I can provide at present."