The United States held a mid -term election in November. Former President Trump was not a candidate, but he was diligent in voting than any candidate.According to American public opinion, Trump has detained his political future on this mid -term election and hung himself with the Republican political future.

Trump supports 240 candidates at the Republican primary election, and draws tickets for them almost every week. Of these, 92 % stand out in primary elections, but whether it can defeat the Democratic opponent in the mid -term election on November 8thStill unclear.

John Hudak, a senior researcher at the Brookings Society of the Party Think Tank, published a comment article saying that Trump reshaped the Republican Party in accordance with his image in the midterThe dominant power of political parties in the next few years. "

The Republican Party has at least 345 "Little Trump"

According to the statistics of Elaine KamArck, a political researcher at the Brookings Society, at least 345 candidates for the Republican primaries expressed their support to support the so -called "Trump Lie", that is, the results of the Presidential election in 2020 were being Democratic.Stolen.

In other words, they are "Little Trump" within the Republican Party.These "Little Trump" ran for three categories of positions: 1. Governor, State Secretary of State and Chief Prosecutor; Second, MPs; and third, State Council members.

Governor, Secretary of State, and Chief Prosecutor have a great right to speak about the future election method of the state.MPs have little right to speak for election management, because this is traditionally the function of the state government, but parliamentarians play an important role in accepting the presidential election ticket.The role of state council members is to be legislative, that is, whether the future state election law will reform in the direction required by the "little Trump".

Kamak pointed out that in the 2020 presidential election, Biden did not win Florida except for Florida. In other key swing states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconson, most votes were weak.In the 2024 Presidential Election, Trump or other presidential presidential candidates must win these states before they are expected to enter the White House.

Kamak believes that Trump has endured the endorsement of the "Little Trump" and inserts them as much as possible in these key swing states as possible to win the above -mentioned first and third positions. In the futureTrump or other presidential candidates.

Scholars: Female voters are disappointed with Trump

Hong You, a researcher at Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajernan International Research Institute, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that Trump was very influential at the party's primary stage, and more than 90 % of the candidates supportedPrimary election.

He said: "Trump organizes a large -scale campaign and rally, which is welcomed by his" Make America Great Again (Maga) supporters in the Republican Party.Injecting vitality for the Republican Party at the grassroots level; from a unfavorable side, he is an obstacle, because the Republican Party is trying to fight for the support of non -party or tendency to tend to be non -party voters. Especially female voters, they are disappointed with Trump. "

Professor of History and History of George Dun University in the United States and winning the victory: Michael Kazin, the history of Democratic Party, said in an interview that in the preliminary choice of Republicans at the state level, Trump's support helped some Republicans win to winOpportunities, but not every candidate for the qualifying of the Democratic Party."In some fierce constituencies, the viewing voters' views on candidates will decide."

According to mainstream media reports, some Republican candidates supported by Trump belong to non -mainstream within the party and their support rate is behind Democratic opponents.Republican seniors believe that mainstream candidates defeated by non -mainstream candidates are expected to win in the midterm elections.Today, these non -mainstream candidates may cause the Republican fat to lose their fat -the Democratic Party is lost to the Democratic Party in the election campaign, which was originally expected to be easily turned over.

Hong You Ren said that according to the current situation, the Republican Party may lose the opportunity to come out of the Senate's control."If the results of the mid -term elections are really the same, there will be a voicing of responsibility within the Republican Party, thinking that the candidate supported by Trump will cause the Republican Party to fail to win the control of the Senate."

At present, the Democratic Republican parties are evenly matched in the Senate, and Harris, Vice President of Democratic Party, has become a key vote for any bill.

Expert: Trump's lawsuit scandal does not affect election conditions

Although Trump is entangled in legal cases and scandals, Kazakh believes that these cases and scandals will not affect the election of midterm elections.

Kazaku said that the Republicans who were loyal to Trump believed that Trump was uneven from Democratic officials; Democrats had always believed that Trump was an offender, and all of these news would not surprise them.Essence"Moreover, because Trump is no longer president, most swing voters are more concerned about other issues, such as inflation, abortion rights, criminal problems, etc."

The legal cases faced by Trump's former include New York prosecutors' prosecutions on his prosecutor, investigation by the Capitol Mountains riots last year, and the Federal Investigation Agency to take a high confidential document for investigation of Haihu Manor after his steps down.