(Montreal Comprehensive) Russia failed to obtain sufficient support votes and could not keep the UN International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) council seat.

ICAO conference held in Montreal, Canada, voted on Saturday (October 1) to select 36 members of the council.The council is re -elected every three years, and the member states must get at least 86 support votes to enter the council.This is the first time that ICAO has held this three -year conference since the crown disease epidemic and the war of Russia and Ukraine, and the meeting will continue until 7 days.

Ukraine Ambassador Corivalev believes that the results of the voting require Russia to lead the invasion of Ukraine's sovereignty, including bombing the airport, saying that these violated the International Civil Aviation Convention, which also entered into the Chicago Convention in 1944.

She said: "What is important is that all ICAO members should condemn the behavior of such a serious violation of the Chicago Convention."

Western countries also pointed out that Russia illegally confiscated hundreds of foreign planes, and Moscow denied so.

Russia requested the chairman of the conference: I did not see before

Russia allows local airlines to include aircraft leased to foreign companies in March into Russia's aircraft registers.But this dual registration behavior violates some of the Chicago Convention.

Russia was kicked out of the game, and then asked to vote again, and the program censorship was launched.Koza, chairman of the conference and director of the South African Civil Aviation Administration, said that the situation was "never seen before."However, the votes did not change the results.

The French representative told the conference: "When our country is held, even if we are not satisfied with the results of the voting, we will not ask for a vote again."

Russia originally had the highest level members, or "China, Brazil and Australia and other members in the ICAO council, or" the most important country for aviation transportation ".In Saturday's voting, the United States, Canada, China, Germany and Brazil were selected as members of this level.

Russian representative said: "We regret the results of the voting. We think this is purely political measures, which has nothing to do with Russia's positioning in the field of civil aviation."