(New Hardenberg Comprehensive Electric) German Economic Minister Habeck said on Thursday that the Seven Kingdoms Group (G7) agreed to be tougher than China on trade issues, and they would further coordinate their positions on this issue.

Habeck on Thursday (September 15) at the G7 Economic and Trade Minister of Economic and Trade near Berlin said that Germany has "no longer naive" on the position of China, and "it must conduct trade, regardless of social or humanitarian standards.The era has passed. "

German data shows that as of the end of 2021, China was the largest trading partner in Germany for six consecutive years. In 2021, the bilateral trade volume was about 235.1 billion US dollars, a year -on -year increase of 22.5%.

Because of Sino -German trade relations so closely, former German Prime Minister Merkel is often accused of adopting a "economic friendly route" to China and not toughness on human rights issues.

Habeck said that Germany will take a tough route in trade with China, and will also promote the EU "to formulate a stronger policy in trade in China" and "the forced compulsory to protect China to protect its economy to protect its economy.Sexual measures to respond. "He added that the G7 member states also agreed to take the same action.

G7 member states include the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy and Japan.Germany is currently the rotating chairman of the G7.

The United States has been lobbying its allies and partners to coordinate their actions to jointly respond to China's challenges.

The joint statement of the Minister of Economic and Trade after the Minister of Economic and Trade did not name China directly, but the "compulsory technology transfer, theft of intellectual property rights, reducing labor and environmental standards to obtain competitive advantages, distorted state -owned enterprises in the market"Actions and harmful industrial subsidies" expressed concerns.

In recent years, Western countries have begun to try to reduce dependence on Chinese trade, and also try to regain the control of key technologies such as batteries and semiconductors.

The Russian and Ukraine War made European countries aware of the danger of excessive relying on Russian energy.The Minister of Economic and Trade in the G7 pointed out in a statement that "trade diversification" is the key to ensuring the stable and smooth supply of the supply chain.The European Union Trade Commissioner Dongbrovskis told AFP that the behavior, industrial subsidies, and market transparency of China's distorted markets have made the European Union pay attention to the European Union, and the EU is necessary to discuss the strategy of response.

EU proposed on Wednesday that it will ban products that have been made through forced labor. This proposal does not mention China, but it is generally considered to be targeted at Beijing; China is accused of forced Uyghur labor in Xinjiang.

G7 g7 countries agree to maintain sanctions against Russia

Another major topic at the G7 Minister of Economic and Trade was the Russian and Ukraine War.Countries agreed to maintain economic sanctions on Russia to prevent Moscow from profitable from invading Ukraine and promise to assist Ukraine to rebuild the economy through trade.

Just when the G7 issued a joint statement, when Russian President Putin met with Chinese officials in Uzbekistan on Thursday, Russian President Putin appreciated the "balance" position held by China in the Ukrainian war and criticized the United States to adopt the "ugly ugliness to safeguard the hegemony."Action.