● Tellas is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Tellas's opponent, former financial minister Sonak is not on the cabinet list.The Guardian first reported that Sonak would not enter the cabinet on Monday, which broke the tradition of most party leaders after being elected.Sunak had stated in an interview with BBC earlier that he would not accept the appointment of Tellas's minister.

(London Composite Electric) British Prime Minister Tras Tuesday (September 6) The first priority after taking office is to organize new cabinets.The various news quoted by the British media show that the important official positions of the new cabinet will be composed of Tellas's supporters or allies, and it is likely that the four most important ministers of the cabinet are not the first time by white men.

Tellas's opponent, former financial minister Sonak is not on the cabinet list.The Guardian first reported that Sonak would not enter the cabinet on Monday, which broke the tradition of most party leaders after being elected.Sunak had stated in an interview with BBC earlier that he would not accept the appointment of Tellas's minister.

The four most important positions in the British Cabinet are Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Foreign Minister and Minister of the Interior.It is expected that Kwate will be appointed as the Treasurer.Kwate is the Minister of Commerce, Energy and Industry Strategy in the Johnson government, and is the most trustworthy ally.Tellas has promised voters to reduce taxes and develop economy, and also plans to set up an Economic Consultant Committee to help and guide her and Treasury Secretary.Kwate pointed out to the media earlier that the new government needs "some fiscal loose", but they will do it with caution to deal with the current problems.

Tellas will appoint a foreign minister, all -in -law, all -in -law, alliance, all -all -all -all -ally.The well -known Tom Tugendhat will be the Minister of Security.

A member of the Conservative Congress revealed that the former chief prosecutor Bredman is likely to be appointed as the internal commander.

Tellas's supporter Wallace will continue to serve as Minister of Defense in the new government.

Sources close to Trasse said that the original work and pension minister Kofi is expected to become the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of the new government of Tellas.

Terlas resigned within a few hours after being elected

Tellas was elected for a few hours after being elected by the Conservative Party on Monday. The Minister of the Interior Pattel, the Minister of Culture Doris, the Cabinet Office Minister Adams and the co -chairman of the Conservative Party Ellium resigned.

Patt submitted a letter of resignation to Johnson and said in Twitter: "I Congratulations to Tellas as our new party leader. I will support the new Prime Minister ... After Tellas officially took office and appointed the new inner chief,I chose to continue to serve the country and Willum constituency in the back seat of the parliament. "

DoRis is a firm supporter of Tras.The Daily Mail reported on Monday that Tras had reserved Durius.

British media pointed out that Tras has been facing pressure on the issue of the cabinet, that is, in order to conservative party unity, we cannot completely let their loyal supporters enter the cabinet.However, doing so will also cause the allies to be dissatisfied, and the allies are worried that this is equivalent to providing work for those who criticize her in the party leader.There is also a risk of Tellas appointing people who do not support her to enter the cabinet, because these people are likely to blatantly sing against her policies and accuse her of leadership and weaken the authority and image of the new government.