In an inaugural speech, the new British Prime Minister Tras said that from this day, every day in the future will take action to get rid of the current dilemma and become a "ambitious country"On the road of long -term success.She said: "I am determined to realize their promises."

(London Composite Electric) The former British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tellas, officially took over as the Prime Minister. This is the fourth prime minister of the Conservative Party in the past six years.Female Prime Minister.

Tellas delivered an inaugural speech outside the Prime Minister's Mansion of Tangning Street.She pointed out that it is time to deal with the problem that hinders Britain's progress. "We must speed up building roads, housing and broadband networks, and we must reduce the burden on the family."

It is announced this week that it will reduce energy and fee measures

She said that she would ensure that the people would not face unacceptable energy bills and predicted that they would announce measures to reduce energy costs and ensure energy supply in this week.She emphasized that the third priority that would advance was to improve the medical system.

Tellas said that from this day, every day in the future will take action, let Britain get rid of the current dilemma, become a "ambitious country", and embark on a long -term success.She said: "I am determined to realize their promises."

The British Prime Minister's more for traditional procedures on Tuesday (September 6) at 11 am local time (Singapore 6 pm).The former Prime Minister Johnson arrived in Barlolleburg, Scotland, and officially resigned to Queen Elizabeth II.Later, the Queen met with Tras and appointed her as the new Prime Minister to authorize her to organize the new government.

Tellas is the 15th Prime Minister appointed by the Queen of England.The new and old Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was generally carried out in Buckingham Palace in the past, but this time, because of the inconvenience of the Queen's operation, the location was changed to Balmolleburg.

The current inflation rate in the UK has soared to double digits. It is expected that the economy will fall into a recession at the end of this year. Tellas faces many difficult challenges as soon as he takes office.According to data released by the British Retailer Association on Tuesday, people are forced to reduce consumption of clothing and other non -necessities due to the rise in energy and food prices.In August this year, the sales of members of the association increased by only 1 % compared to the same period last year.

How to assist British families and enterprises to cope with rising energy fees is the top priority that the Tras government must handle, especially autumn and winter is about to come.At present, a typical British family's annual electricity and natural gas costs are about 1971 pounds (about S $ 3194).After raising the upper limit of power suppliers on the regulatory agency, this fee will increase by an average of 80 % from October to £ 3548 per year.This will cause poor families to be unable to obtain heating and other basic needs, and companies may also face closure due to high energy costs.

According to Bloomberg, Tellas plans to invest 130 billion pounds (about S $ 21.3 billion) in the next 18 months to freeze family energy costs at the current level; she is also planning a plan with a scale of £ 40 billionAssist companies to reduce energy costs in the next six months.The news caused the market to be encouraged, the exchange rate of the pound against the US dollar rose on Tuesday, and the British stock market and corporate bonds also rebounded.

In terms of diplomacy, how Tillas will deal with the relationship between Britain and Russia, the European Union and China.She has claimed that China pose a threat to rules -based international order, and analysts are therefore expected that she will strengthen cooperation with other countries to compete in China.

Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that he hoped that the British and China would be on each other, so that the relationship between the two countries will move along the correct track.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pointed out that Trams was unwilling to consider other places or make compromises."I don't think this helps the United Kingdom maintain or strengthen its position on the international stage, and after leaving the European Union, Britain has obviously shaken."

Tellas presided over the cabinet meeting for the first time on Wednesday, and was questioned in Congress; it is expected that the opposition Labor Party will ask her ruling policies with sharp issues.In addition to inheriting a bunch of hot potato in ruling, Tellas won the party election as a smaller gap than expected. Different from the party may hinder her governance.

Johnson, who was in power for three years, called on Tuesday and called on the party to unite."I want to tell the conservatives that it is time to let go of politics. All of us should now support Tras and her team and her governing plan."

The rapid polls conducted by YOUGOV on Monday (September 5th) showed that only 14 % of British believe that Tras is more suitable for being Prime Minister; 27 % believe that her performance will be worse than JohnsonEssence

Half of the interviewees disappointed with the Tellas victory, and only one -fifth of people held confidence in the new government's alleviating life cost crisis.