(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine has launched a week's counterattack after starting a weekly counterattack in the southern region of the Russian army.The local governments supported by Moscow announced that they were temporarily shelved into Russian citizens voting.

Ukrainian President Zelei Sky Sunday (September 4) delivered a video speech at night. Thanks to the army for recovering two towns in the south and a town in the east, but did not say place names.

The Ukrainian military said that the army captured several areas in the south and destroyed the goals such as floating bridges, ammunition depot and the Russian control center.President's Office Deputy Director Jimo Sumko posted photos on the Internet showing that three soldiers raised a national flag in a roof in a roof in Vysokopyllya, northern Hermuson.In the early days of the war broke out in the early days of the outbreak of the war.

Russia once said that the Russian army has repelled the Ukraine of Hermuson, but the Russian official media Tas Society rarely recognized Ukraine's counterattack on Monday, and quoted the deputy mayor of Hermuson City, Moscow,Sov's words, due to the changes in the security situation, it was temporarily put on hold to vote in Russia's citizen's vote that was originally planned to be held in the southern region this month.These areas are Hermone, Zapolo, Donetsk and Lugusk.

The retired U.S. ground force commander Mackhetelin wrote on Twitter that Kiev's goal seems to be trapped thousands of Russian troops on the east bank of the Dieber as a supply and escape route.Bridge, attack them with "precise weapons".

The international community has always been concerned about the war of Zaporizhzhia, a heavy town on the verge of the Dnieber, and the two armies fought near the nuclear power plant, which caused international concerns to trigger nuclear disasters.The day before the UN International Atomic Energy Agency issued an evaluation report, the nuclear power plant cut off the electricity for the second time in two weeks.

Atomic energy agency quoted the information provided by Ukraine that the backup power supply of the nuclear power plant had been cut off to extinguish the fire, but the line was not damaged and it would be re -connected.The nuclear power plant itself has enough electricity for safe operation.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Sh Megal said in a Bloomberg TV interview in Brussels that the Ukraine has won some victory in the south and north.(Crimea).

Shmegal has called on allies to do their best to help Ukraine end Russia's invasion quickly.He said that Russia "intends to drag longer and take more time."

Ukrainian presidential consultant Podolia called Crimean residents to prepare for air defense and reserve the materials needed during the war of liberation.

On the other hand, Russian President Putin approved a new foreign policy based on the concept of the "Russian World" on Monday to prove that it is a legitimate action to support the support of Russian communities and conduct intervention abroad.