(Morning News) Queen Elizabeth II died, and leaders of the world's countries in the world have issued articles.

The United Nations Secretary -General Gutres said: "Queen Elizabeth II is a good friend of the United Nations. He visited the United Nations New York Headquarters twice after 50 years. She is committed to many charity and environmental undertakings.At the talks of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) talks, a touching speech was delivered to representatives from various countries. Queen Elizabeth II was unswervingly committed to serving her people for life, and I paid tribute to her. The world will always remember her dedication and leadership."

Irish President Higgins said that Queen Elizabeth II is "Outstanding Friends in Ireland", which has a huge impact on "mutual understanding of the people of the two countries."He issued a statement saying: "After losing a outstanding friend in Ireland, we mourn all our neighbors in the UK. We remember the role of Queen Elizabeth II in the warm and lasting friendship between the two countries."

French President Macron posted in Twitter that Queen Elizabeth II has been reflecting the continuation and unity of British countries for more than 70 years."I will remember that she is a French friend, a queen who is kind and gives her country and the times."

Indian Prime Minister Modi posted in Twitter that he was "painful" for Queen's death.He praised the Queen of Britain "to provide inspiring leadership for her country and the people", and "reflected dignity and decentness in public life."Britain used to be the main nation of India's colonial ancestors. India was independent on August 15, 1947.