(Washington Composite Electric) The US Department of Defense said that the F35A stealth fighter produced by the US arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin uses unspeakable Chinese parts to violate US procurement laws and therefore suspend the acceptance of new F-35 fighters.

Chinese alloy parts will not cause security concerns

U.S. Department of Defense spokesman Golmel pointed out on Wednesday (September 7) that the investigation team found an unauthorized and alloy from China in the lubricated oil pump of the F-35 fighter engine in August.This part will not cause security concerns, but for the sake of security, the U.S. military conducts strict inspections on related parts and equipment in accordance with federal procurement regulations.

He said that when the new fighter was suspended, the F-35 fighter planes that had been delivered to the US military and overseas partners would not be interfered, because the found "magnets will not transmit information or damage the aircraft, and there is no existencePerformance, quality, safety or security risk related to this issue. "

Lockchid Martin said: "This problem is related to the magnets on the F-35 turbine manufactured by Honeywell, including cobalt and Samarium AlLoy."

Honeywell said the company is still committed to providing high -quality products that meet or exceed all customer contract requirements, and will work closely with the Ministry of Defense and Lockchid Martin to ensure that the products provided are in accordance with regulations.

F-35 Project Office issued a statement saying that they will use alloy alternative sources in the future.It is known that the F-35 fighter also has other magnets produced in China. These magnets have been exempted from former officials of the Ministry of National Defense.

The National Defense Contract Administration and the F-35 project office follow the procurement regulations of US laws and Pentagon, and prohibit some special metals or alloys produced by some countries produced by the Federal Federal Procurement Regulations.

These countries are China, Iran, North Korea and Russia.The National Defense Contract Administration reported illegal behavior to the F-35 project office on August 19.