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The British Conservative Party will announce the new party and new prime minister on Monday (September 5).If Foreign Minister Tras is elected, it will become the third female prime minister in British history; If former Treasury Minister Sonak won the final victory, it will become the history of British historyThe first Indian prime minister. No matter who worships the phases, the prime minister's primary task in the future is to deal with domestic problems such as soaring energy prices and alleviating the pressure of living costs. The diplomatic philosophy and policies of the two may have the focus of the international community.

The British Conservative Party will announce at 12:30 noon local time on September 5th (Singapore time at 7:30 pm), and announces who will stand out and sit on the throne of the Prime Minister.

As the sixth largest economy in the world, Britain has great influence on the international stage. Foreign Minister Tellas and former Treasury Secretary Sonak will have the attention of the future international relations of Britain and attract much attention.

Some analysts believe that the relationship between Britain and the European Union has been damaged in the past six years. In the short term, Britain is unlikely to "reset" the relationship with the European Union.

EUROPEAN POLICY Center commented on Monday (August 29), neither Tras nor Sunak proposed any meaningful strategy to a more constructive new way.Treatment of the relationship between Britain and the European Union.

Comments are also worried that under the leadership of Tras, relations with Britain and the European Union will further deteriorate because she relies on the support of the Brexit in the Conservative Party.

Since December last year, Tras has been negotiating with the European Union after Brexit.She is currently promoting new legislation to allow the British government to unilaterally rewrite part of the Northern Ireland proposal.The European Union has accused this approach that violates international law and launches legal actions on this matter.

This agreement is part of the Brexit agreement, which stipulates the trade arrangements between Britain and Northern Ireland.

Former Ambassador to France, Peter Ricketts told the New York Times: "She is obviously good at accusing the French and Europeans in order to please her foundation in the party.It is important to re -establish a relationship with Europe, and Tellas is the most impossible candidate to solve this problem. "

As for Sunak, analysts of the European Policy Center believe that: "Sunak's interaction with the European Union is rare, which means that if he is selected as the Prime Minister, the relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom can be from a more neutral starting point.Start. "

"No matter which candidate wins, they may hold a general election within one year so that their leadership has obtained political legitimacy. Before that, they were unlikely to reach any agreement on the Northern Ireland. Brussels willIt is in the waiting model again, until the British internal affairs settled, and resumed sincere discussions. "

Analysis: The two people have a strong attitude towards China to recover in the golden age of Britain and China.

Tellas and Sonak both advocate a tough attitude towards China.In the campaign television debate, Tras said that if she was elected, she would take action to combat Chinese companies such as short video platform TIKTOK (Tiktok), etc., to restrict the export of technical exports to autocratic regimes.She also advocates that Britain should not rely on China strategically.

Sunak said China was "the biggest long -term threat in the UK".He promised to close all 30 Confucius colleges in the UK, requiring the institutions of higher education to disclose more than 50,000 pounds (about S $ 81,000) overseas funds, and review and research partnerships to "drive the CCP out of the UK universities."EssenceHe also sought to establish an "NATO" international cooperation to deal with China's network threats.

Julia Pamilih, head of the Research Department of the Chinese Research Group, established by the British Conservative Party Councilor, said that if the new prime minister adhering to the attitude towards China, the golden age of British -China relations will never return.

In 2015, then Prime Minister Cameron and Treasury Secretary Osbon said that Britain would become China's "best Western partner" and promised that relations between the two countries would usher in the "golden age".

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs Curriculum of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Britain has begun to alienate China during the Johnson era, so Tellas and Sunak's China policy will not deviate from the current government from the current government.Too far; on the contrary, the competition between the two countries in some areas may intensify, especially the safety field.

"Because during the campaign, both of them acknowledged that they still wanted to cooperate with China and realized the importance of the Chinese economy to Britain."

"The competition in Britain and China will be reflected in the field of security. I expect that the military relations between the United Kingdom and the Asia -Pacific region will be more active, especially the military relations with close partners and American allies. In addition, the British will increase in other fields such asChinese partners will be more stringent censorship in education, media and technical fields. "

Scholars: The decline in the sense of security in Southeast Asian national relations

He also said that for Southeast Asia, the deterioration of the relationship between large powers will have a chain effect, causing indirect effects, such as the decline in security in Southeast Asian countries, and a more unstable external geopolitical environment.

Lin Weiling, a researcher at the Yasidan Research Center of Yusov Isaev Isa, Singapore, said that both of them want to reduce their dependence on China, but some Ayanan countries that claim neutrality and unadlisting alliances may not look forward to Sonak seek to establish establishmentThe practice of the "NATO" alliance.

She believes that, as a foreign minister, Tras, who is a foreign minister, has an advantage in Sunak with a lack of diplomatic experience in understanding global interests and establishing relations with the Asianan country.

But no matter who is elected Prime Minister, Britain's policy on Southeast Asia will not change much, because the Five-Year Action Plan (ASEAN-UK Dialogue Partnership: Plan of: Plan of: Plan of: Plan ofAction 2022 to 2026) has roughly confirmed the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

Lin Weiling reminds the United Kingdom to pay attention to the extremely close alliance relations between Britain and the United States, such as the establishment of Australian and American three -sided security partnership (AUKUS), which may cause the relationship between Britain and the Asianan countries to become tense."Although arrangements such as AUKUS may help balance China's growing military strength, some people may think that this mechanism dominated by a large country may weaken the statusBring greater instabilityEssence"

The United States, Britain, and Australia established AUKUS last September. Indonesia and Malaysia publicly showed concern that it was worried that the new alliance would irritate China and catalyze the Indo -Pacific military reserve competition.

On the first day of the new Prime Minister, you must face the strike of staff

The Conservative Party announced the first day of the new Prime Minister and the first day of the new Prime Minister to face the strike of the staff of the government department, indicating that the road of the Prime Minister is difficult.

The cleaners, security, reception staff, and staff of the receiving room staff of the Ministry of Commerce, Energy and Industrial Strategies, and other staff members of the receiving room, such as dissatisfaction, safety, and other treatment issues, on Monday (September 5) for two daysEssenceSelwaterka, Secretary -General of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said: "Our entire civil servant team is getting more and more angry and desperate because the government has not taken any measures to alleviate the crisis of living costs."

How the new Prime Minister will reduce the pressure of the people and revive the economy, and become the most concerned topic for the local people.

Tellas promises to stimulate economic growth through tax cuts and offset the pressure caused by rising living costs to the public.She promised not to have energy assignments or any new taxes, and clearly eliminated any new huge profit taxes for the energy field.She also said that it is necessary to "reduce the tax rate from the first day of governance" and have proposed tax cuts worth £ 30 billion, including the cancellation of plans to increase corporate taxes.

She may launch an emergency budget on September 21, and is expected to explain plans to deal with the crisis of living costs.

Some economists have pointed out that the economic plans proposed by Tellas will promote inflation and promote the British Central Bank of the United Kingdom to accelerate the pace of interest rate hikes.According to a report from the British Think Tank Resolution Foundation (RESOLUTION FOUNDATION), the tax reduction policy promised by Tras, including the suspension of the "green tax" (part of the part of the energy bill to pay the society and green projects), will make the mostThe benefits of wealthy families are much higher than the poorest families.

Sunak believes that the priority is to suppress the inflation rate that has reached a new high of 40 years.He intends to continue to follow the recent tax increase policy, including raising corporate taxes from 19 % to 25 % next year.

According to the British Consumer Price Index (CPI), the inflation rate in Britain in July has reached 10.1 %.Goldman Sachs Group's economist predicts on August 29 that if the price of natural gas will remain high in the next few months, the inflation rate in Britain next year may reach 22.4 %.

Sunak launched a pound of £ 15 billion in assistance in May during May, including providing 400 pounds for each family to help the family offset some electricity costs of this winter.He promised to extend the assistance supporting facilities and increase the aid of receiving pension and social welfare to £ 1,200.In addition, due to the latest energy price limit of more than 3,000 pounds, he promised to cancel 5 % of the value -added tax of 5 % of the household electricity bill.

The polls conducted by the British Sky News Station and Yippso from August 22nd to 24th show that in the past three months, one -third of the British household payments are difficult to pay for electricity charges; 29 % of respondentsFor deposits, 14 % must borrow money to repay electricity.

The new Prime Minister is determined by 0.3%of the population

Who will worship the phase, and the British about 200,000 Conservative Party members have the final say.The British population is 67 million, which means that the population of less than 0.3 % will determine the next Prime Minister.

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a study of the identity of the six major political parties in the UK shows that although the British population structure is relatively average, most of the conservative party members are older white men.

Tim Bale, a professor of political science at Queen Mary, who is responsible for this research, said: "Can choose our voters who are the prime ministers in the United Kingdom, they can not represent the nationals of the United Kingdom.Diversity, mainly concentrated in southern England. Men are obviously more female, and economic conditions are usually better. "

polls: 66 % of the conservative party members support Tras

According to the results of the above research, although the proportion of men and women across the country is equally, the Conservative Party Yang Shengyin and Overwhelming — 63 % of party members are men and 37 % are women.

In terms of age distribution, the population of 50 and above in the UK accounts for 38 % of the total population.6 % under 24 years old.

The results of the polls by the British polls (YOUGOV) in mid -August showing the results of the 950 Conservative Party members showed that 66 % of them were ready to send Trask to 10 Tangning Street.Rate is only 34 %.

Among the party members, 57 % had completed votes, of which 68 % voted to Tellas and 32 % were voted to Sunak.The remaining people who have not yet voted, 44 % intentionally voted to Tellas, 29 % supported Sonak, and other 26 % did not make a decision.

Another poll shows that candidates' personal characteristics are the decisive factor for party members, not their specific policy commitments.It is worth noting that more than half of the Conservative Party members believe that the Conservative Minister and Member who forced Johnson to step down at that time was a wrong decision.

The election of the Conservative Party leader has ended on September 2.The Conservative Party will announce the new party on Monday (5th), and the British Queen Elizabeth II will appoint the new Prime Minister on the 6th.