Bidden's speech in Philadelphia refers to the most right Republicans in Trland, which "represent an extremism that threatens the United States."Analysis believes that although Biden's strategy is risky, it may also be beneficial to the Democratic Party's election.

When the US President Biden recently pulled a vote for the mid -term Congress, he frequently fired the artillery to be loyal to the "Maga Republicans" of Jun Jun President Trump.Maga is the abbreviation of Make America Great Again, which is the slogan of Trump's 2016 campaign in 2016.Republicans of Maga are also the right -handed Republicans. Biden said that they intend to overthrow democratic elections and pose a threat to American democracy.Analysis believes that although Biden's strategy is risky, it may also reverse the Democratic Party's election.

Last Thursday (September 1), Biden's speech in Philadelphia said that Trump and its supporters "represent an extremism that threatened the American foundation". He urged his supporters to defend the "countryA counterattack in the battle of the soul.

Trump immediately said that this was "the most vicious, hateful and most split lecture published by the President of the United States", and he claimed that Biden was "the enemy of the country."McCarthy, a minority leader of the House of Representatives, also accused Bayon of choosing to "split, derogate and slander his American compatriots."Republicans also said that when Biden was running for president in 2020, he vowed to unite Americans, but now it violates his promise and abandoned a large group of Americans voting to Republican Party.

Bynden clarified to the union leader in Milwaukee, Milwok, Wisconsin on Monday that he was not targeting all Republicans."Not every Republican is an Maga Republican, nor does every Republican support this extreme ideology. I know, because in my career, I can cooperate with mainstream Republicans." Bayeng camp: Maga Republicans are supporting Trump to popularize political violence

Who are the people?According to the Biden camp, it was a group of Americans who supported Trump, refused to recognize the results of the 2020 election, and political violence as a strategy as a strategy.According to the Washington Post, it is estimated that these people account for about 10 % or about 30 million people in the United States.

This is not a decimal, showing that Maga Republicans are not marginal groups.Bayon pointed out: "Today's Republican Party is controlled, driving, and intimidating by Trump and Maga Republicans." One example is that the House of Representatives investigated the vice chairman of the special committee of the Congress and the Vice Chairman of the Commission of the Congress, Liz cheney) Losing the party's primary election at a gap of nearly 40 percentage points.

It is worth noting that Trump did not participate in the midterm election, but Biden tried to transform the November vote into a referendum against Trump.This has a strong contrast to Trump's name for Trump since he took office.

Analysis pointed out that Republicans hope that midterm elections can focus on topics such as inflation, immigration, rather than a very split Trump.After all, in the Republican primaries, candidates competed to fight for Trump to endorse them.In addition, there is a consensus that "nothing can inspire Democrats and Republicans like Trump at the same time" to vote.

As for Biden separated the mainstream Republicans and Maga Republicans, Huayai believes that this is a smart approach, because this is equivalent to the next one between the Republicans that threatens the democracy of the United States and the Republicans who do not threaten the US democracyDivision line.

Huayai pointed out that in addition to tens of millions of Maga Republicans, there are millions of Republicans and no party members who are biased towards Republican, not Trump supporters, and these people are worshiping.Denghe Democratic Party wants to fight for support.If you encounter fierce competition campaign, the support of these people may trigger a political earthquake.

In 2020 Presidential election, Biden won 6 % of Republicans support votes and 52 % of party membership votes.This allowed Biden to turn the five red states and drive Trump out of the White House.

Huayai pointed out that Bayon tried to persuade party members and a few gentle Republicans to support Democratic candidates by paying attention to Maga Republicans.This strategy may be counterproductive because of the enthusiasm of Trump's supporters, but it may also work.

At least at least, no party members who support the Democratic Party have increased.This transformation is largely due to the support of abortion rights, the decline in gasoline prices, and the success of the Democratic Party through legislation.The threat is listed as the largest concern.

Analysts also believe that the Republican response to Biden's accusations on Maga Republicans is too hysteric, showing that Republicans are also worried that Biden's strategy to turn "MAGA" into a toxic brand may succeed.