(Washington Composite Electric) The US Biden government said that because many US companies demanded tariffs on China, they decided to continue to implement the Trump administration's tariff policy for Chinese goods.

Due to the continued increase in domestic inflation pressure, the Biden government has been considering whether to cancel the tariffs on China implemented by the former government, but it has not been able to make a decision because the Bayeng team has different opinions on this opinion, trade in trade, tradeRepresentative Dai Qi advocates maintaining these tariffs.

The validity period for tariffs on China implemented in two rounds of the United States is four years. It was originally in the full period of July 6 and August 23 this year, but only domestic companies do not oppose it can end; at the US Trade Representative Office (USTR)While waiting for U.S. companies to make opinions, tariffs continue to be effective.This is part of the official censorship procedure.

The official will consider whether the action takes the action is effective

USTR on Friday (September 2) issued a statement saying that more than 350 companies require the government to maintain tariffs on China.

Statement said: "Because of the requirements for continuing tariffs, these measures have not ended. Estr will review tariff measures."

The official steps include allowing the stakeholders to further state their views and consider "whether the action taken is effective for achieving the goal."However, USTR does not provide related specific timetables or evaluation standards.


statement said that the Biden government may make changes, and eventually decided to measure "the impact of such actions on the US economy, including consumers,".

Former President Trump has increased tariffs on goods imports from China and about 350 billion US dollars from Chinese imports every year, on the grounds that China has to retaliate against Chinese intellectual property rights and forced transfer technology.

The United States intends to take action to restrict US companies invest in Chinese science and enterprises

While the Biden government decided to retain taxes on Chinese goods, it is reported that the Bayeng government is also considering taking action to restrict the investment in Chinese technology companies.

Bloomberg quoted those familiar with the matter reports that these brewing investment restrictions may be implemented in the form of a president Biden's administrative order within a few months.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that the United States may also take action against the Douyin Overseas Tiktok of the Chinese Internet giant bytes, but it will not move quickly.In addition, the US Department of Commerce may take further restrictions on chips for artificial intelligence.

Another insider revealed that the White House was discussed with legislation with Congress and asked companies to disclose their potential investment in certain Chinese industries in advance.The discussion options include establishing a mechanism to allow the government to directly obstruct investment.

So far, the United States has not comprehensively cut off the semiconductor supply of Chinese companies, but is just aimed at individual companies such as Huawei and SMIC (SMIC), individual companies that have been threatened by individual national security.Both Chinese companies have denied the accusations of the United States.

The recent measures taken by Washington showed that the Bayeng government tended to take a tougher position to fully ban China from obtaining technology.