(Washington Composite Electric), China has always been a world factory for high -tech electronics, but the Chinese and American trade war and the American House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan.Risks, many companies have gradually withdrawn from China.

According to people familiar with the matter, a small part of Apple's latest mobile phones will be produced in India, and some of the recent Pixel mobile phones in Google are also produced in Vietnam.

In addition, Microsoft transported the Xbox game console from Hochhina, Vietnam this year.

Eclipse Venture Capital founder Lioner said: "The status of China's manufacturing kingdom is shaking. More and more companies must withdraw the manufacturing industry out of China and seek alternative plans."

The founder of Instrumental, a company in the United States for the remote monitoring and assembly of the electronics company, said: "Even if the action is not taken, everyone wants to move."

So far, the biggest beneficiary of foreign companies in Chinese companies is Vietnam.

Local media reports, Apple's largest manufacturing contractor Foxconn recently signed an agreement worth 300 million US dollars ($ 420 million) to build a new factory in northern Vietnam to create 30,000 employment.Chance.

Foxconn's previous investment in Vietnam has reached $ 1.5 billion.Beijiang and Beining Province in northeastern Vietnam were originally large farmland and rice fields. Now they have been replaced by factories established by Foxconn and other manufacturing contractors. Employees from all over Vietnam have come here to find a job.

Zhuang Pei, the general manager of the Vietnamese branch of Dede Liang, said that she has to accompany customers from the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Europe every day to see the industrial land for factories.She said, "If you come to Vietnam, it is full of vitality."