(Washington / Manila Comprehensive News) As the competition between China and the United States intensified, senior US officials visited Southeast Asia.U.S. Secretary of State Brosky will go to the Cambodian Phnom Penh to attend the Asian Security Conference next week, and then go to the Philippines to meet with the new Philippine President President Markis to discuss the strengthening of the United States and Philippine Alliance.

The US State Department is responsible for Asian affairs assistant Secretary of State Kangda on Friday (July 29), saying that Bollingaki visited Indonesia and Thailand at the beginning of the month.It is important. "

Kangda said: "For the relationship between us and Asianan, it is currently a critical moment."

Brinken will attend the three ministerial meetings in Phnom Penh -the Asia Jia'an -the United States Ministerial Meeting, the Asia Jiajia'an Regional Forum, and the East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Conference.During the period, he will discuss with the members of the Asian Simpan's members to enhance the strategic partnerships of the United States and Asia, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the situation in Myanmar.Blinden also plans to "discuss China's increasing coercion in the entire area and daily."

At present, it is not ruled out that Brins will meet with Chinese State Council and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Asian Dimetry Conference.Kangda said: "We have to look at the development of the situation. There is no specific plan at present."

Brinken and Wang Yi held more than five hours of talks in Bali, Indonesia earlier this month.Kangda described the talks "frank, effective and comprehensive."As for the Russian and North Korean foreign ministers, Bolling Kelly did not hold talks with them in Phnom Penh.

After the Asianian Conference, Brinken will meet with Macos and the new Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo in Manila on August 6.

According to the US State Department's statement, the two sides will "discuss the joint efforts to strengthen the United States and Philippines."These include strengthening the cooperation between the United States and the Philippines in energy, trade, investment, and post -epidemic recovery, and promote common democratic values.

The Philippines is one of the two allies in the United States in Southeast Asia, but the US -Philippine relations have fallen into nervousness because of the former Philippine President Duterte's pro -Sen Shumei.As a neighbor in China, the Philippines has always been a country that China and the United States have tried to draw. Six days after Maccous took office, Wang Yi visited the Philippines.

After visiting the Philippines, Blintken will also go to South Africa, Congo and Rwanda.