(Morning News) The American White House doctor Ocomna said on Saturday (July 30) that the president's Bayeng tested the diagnosis of the crown disease again on the morning.Re -isolation.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Biden on the evening of the 26th, the morning of the 27th, the morning of the 28th, and the morning of the 29th, Testing is negative , but the test on the 30th is confirmed again.Aconn said that a small number of people who took PaxLovid would have a re -examination positive.

Biden also tweeted on the social network that he confirmed the crown disease again, and "this is what a few patients will occur."He claimed that he had no symptoms and "felt good", and he would continue to work during the isolation.However, Biden canceled his work to Michigan and his journey home.

Bynden confirmed the diagnosis for the first time on July 21, and symptoms such as runny nose, dry cough and tiredness occurred.