(Morning News) U.S. President Biden and Chinese official on Thursday (July 28) were once again upgraded in the Taiwan Strait.-1297498 "target = _blank> Tell the phone , Bloomberg reported that the leaders of the two countries told the assistant in the call and arranged a face -to -face meeting.If this arrangement is implemented, it will be the first physical meeting with Chinese officials since Biden took office.

US White House officials said that Biden and China's official conference call lasted for two hours and 17 minutes. The purpose of the call was "relationship management", and the discussion of the two sides was mainly surrounded by Taiwan.

Bynden reiterated that a Chinese policy in the United States will not change or change. The United States does not support Taiwan's "independence". He also warns that Beijing not to use force to achieve the unity of the mainland and Taiwan.

Xinhua News Agency reported that China officially explained the principles of China on the Taiwan issue.Chinese officials emphasized that the history of Taiwan issues is clear and clear, and the facts and current situation of both sides of the strait belong to the same situation of China is clear.The three joint communiqués of China and the United States are the political commitments of both parties. A Chinese principle is the political basis of Sino -US relations.China resolutely oppose the division of "Taiwan independence" and interference in external forces, and will never leave any space for any form of "Taiwan independence" forces.The position of the Chinese government and the Chinese people on the Taiwan issue is consistent. It is resolutely safeguarding the firm will of the Chinese people in more than 1.4 billion national sovereignty and territorial integrity.Public opinion must not be violated, and you must break self -immolation.I hope the United States can see this clearly.The United States should say that it will unanimously adhere to the principle of China and fulfill the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.

The White House issued a statement in China that Biden emphasized that the United States "resolutely opposes the status quo by unilaterally changing the status quo or destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."

This is the first fifth call of the United States and the United States after Biden entered the White House in January last year. The last call of the two was in March this year.The White House claims that the call is frank and substantial.But neither side described the call as "constructive".The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs used to "constructive" the first four conferences of Biden and China's official.

The White House said that the purpose of this exchange was "to maintain and deepen the communication channels between the United States and China, manage the differences between the two parties responsibly, and work together on our interests."

The White House also said that the leaders of the two countries have assigned officials to follow up, especially in response to the joint efforts of climate change and hygiene and safety, but they did not explain the details.

Sino -US relations are highly nervous because of Perlis, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi, who may visit Taiwan next month.Peros has not yet confirmed whether to visit Taiwan, but the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued severe warnings. The Ministry of National Defense also responded for the first time on the 26th that if Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan, " Chinese army will never sit at ".

A senior American official refused to disclose whether Bayeng and Chinese officials discussed the visit of Pelosi in a call on the 28th, or whether Beijing issued a warning to relevant media reports.