According to this bill, the US government will allocate $ 52 billion to increase domestic semiconductor production. At the same time, it will provide investment tax reductions for the investment in the construction of chip factories, with a total of 24 billion US dollars.The bill also authorizes the government to allocate $ 170 billion in the next five years to encourage related research and development.

(Washington Composite Electric) The House of Representatives of the United States passed the chip bill of US $ 280 billion (about S $ 385.7 billion), which aims to strengthen the domestic semiconductor industry and better compete with international opponents such as China.This bill has been successfully proposed in Congress for more than a year since the Parliament, marking a legislative victory of the Biden government.

The US House of Representatives passed the chip bill with a voting result of 243 votes in favor of 243 votes and 187 votes.The 24 Republicans ignored the party leader's request to vote for the objection vote and voted for votes.The day before the bill was passed by 64 votes in the Senate, and 17 Republican Senators joined the Democratic Party to promote the bills.The bill is expected to be signed by President Biden as soon as next week.

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According to this bill, the US government will allocate $ 52 billion to increase domestic semiconductor production. At the same time, it will provide investment tax reduction for investment in the construction of chip factories. The total amount is estimated to be US $ 24 billion.The bill also authorizes the US government to allocate $ 170 billion in the next five years to encourage related research and development to enhance its ability to compete with China.

Bynden welcomed the House of Representatives through the bill, thinking that this would "reduce the cost of daily necessities" and "create high -paying manufacturing work, while consolidating the leadership of the United States in the semiconductor industry."He said: "By producing more semi -conductors in the United States, this bill will increase domestic manufacturing output and save costs for family ... We will also reduce the dependence of foreign semiconductor supply sources, thereby enhancing national security."

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi issued a statement before the vote saying: "Once it is promulgated, it will boost the production of semiconductor chips in the United States, regain the US manufacturing industry, and create nearly 100,000 high -paying union positions."

Global chip production is mainly concentrated in Asia.During the crown disease epidemic, the supply of chip supply required by a series of products such as cars, mobile phones, and dishwashers has caused the production of these commodities to slow down and prices have risen.

The United States will hold a midterm election on November 8. The Democratic Party hopes to win the victory through legislation and boost the chances of victory.The Democratic Party currently has a weak advantage in the two House of Representatives, but polls show that the Republican Party is expected to control the House of Representatives.

A few hours before the U.S. House of Representatives passed the chip bill, Biden Gang Gang and China officially called.China officially warned Biden not to "play fire" on the Taiwan issue, and the two leaders also discussed the global supply chain and other economic issues.

China criticized the US chip bill earlier that day.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference that the US chip bill "claims that it aims to enhance the competitiveness of the American technology and chip industry, but the bill contains some terms to restrict the normal scientific and technological cooperation between China and the United States. China has about this.Express resolute opposition. "