(Washington Composite Electric) When a new friction occurred due to the Taiwan issue, the US Cable Television News (CNN) quoted the White House officials that the president Biden would be with China on Thursday (July 28) with China.Official phone call.

The White House has not officially confirmed the relevant reports, but Biden said on Monday that it would talk to the official Chinese officials later this week.This will be the fifth time I had the official call with China since the president of Biden. The last conversation between the two was in March this year.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said at a press conference on Tuesday that when Bayeng and Chinese official call this week, it is expected that they will discuss the Taiwan issue and the Russian and Ukraine War; how to control the economic competition relationship between China and the United StatesIt will also be the focus of dialogue, but it is unlikely that the two are discussing tariff topics.

The Bayeng government has been discussing whether to cancel Trump's tariffs on some Chinese goods during the Trump period to boost the US economy, but Cerbin said that Biden has not made a decision on this issue.

The call is in a particularly difficult juncture in Sino -US relations: The assistant of Pelosi and Washington security officials of the US House of Representatives Perosi did not rule out the possibility of Perli visited Taiwan in early August.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday that Beijing was waiting for Perosa's might visit Taiwan, "all serious consequences were responsible for the United States."A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense to make an extra warning on Tuesday that "the Chinese army will never sit and see it."

According to the "Chinese" policy in the United States, the United States has no formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but according to US law, the United States has the obligation to provide self -defense methods to Taiwan.The White House has reiterated that although there have been various speculations around Pelosi's possible Taiwan trip, this position in the United States has not changed.

Kobe said that Perosi lives in the second place in the US alternate president, second only to Vice President Harris, so she visits national security in the country, but only she can decide by her own visits.

Kobe pointed out that Beijing's "good" remarks that Perlis may visit Taiwan will only exacerbate the tension."Considering this situation, we think that this is not helpful, and it is obviously unnecessary."

People familiar with the matter have previously revealed whether Peros' trip to Asia next month has not yet concluded.If Pelosi is in line, it will be the first Speaker of the House of Representatives who visited Taiwan after the Son of the House of Representatives.

Bayeng told reporters last week that the U.S. military did not think Peros was a good idea at this time.

Daniel Russe, an assistant Secretary of State in East Asia and Pacific Affairs, who had been in charge of the former President Obama, said that the Taiwan issue has a factor that triggered a real crisis, and no Sino -US mechanism can prevent it from being upgraded to conflict.

The two -party members said that it is equivalent to acquiring Beijing behavior because it does not visit Taiwan

Russell said it is unclear how much pressure the Bayeng government has exerted Perosi, but Chinese officials may vigorously put pressure on Biden to stop Peroci from visiting Taiwan during the telephone talks.He said: "We are at a high risk moment, and leaders of the two countries must act carefully."

However, the two -party members of the United States encouraged Pelosi to visit Taiwan, saying that Beijing did not visit Taiwan after pressure, which is equivalent to "acquiescence" Beijing's behavior.

The Democratic Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menndez said: "If we allow the Chinese to decide who can, who can not visit Taiwan, it is equivalent to we have given Taiwan to China to ChinaPeople. "

Kevin McCarthy, a minority leader of the Republican House of Representatives, said Peros should not shrink back now, but she should make this a trip that both parties participated.

Perosi's visit to Taiwan is afraid of becoming riding Tiger Society Page 25 Scholars: Tariffs can not change the Sino -US Relations Magazine Page 19