As of November 1, 2021, the total population of South Korea was 51.738 million, a decrease of 91,000 from the previous year.Data show that the population over 65 years old in South Korea increased by 5.1%over 2020, accounting for 16.8%of the total population, and in 2016, it accounted for 13.3%.Li Taisho, the leader of the Population Research Group of the South Korean Institute of Development and Research, pointed out that the low birth rate and the aging problem are parallel, and the population crisis may evolve into the country's fiscal crisis.

The South Korean population appeared negatively last year, a decrease of 0.2%compared with the previous year.This is the first negative growth of this statistics since South Korea's statistics since 1949.

The data released by the South Korean Statistics Department on the 28th shows that as of November 1, 2021, the total population of South Korea was 51.738 million, a decrease of 91,000 from the previous year.South Korea's population growth rate decreased all the way after reaching a peak in 1960, from 1995 to less than 1%, and maintained a negative growth until last year.

Especially attractive is that the phenomenon of aging continues to increase.Data show that the population over 65 years old in South Korea increased by 5.1%over 2020, accounting for 16.8%of the total population, and in 2016, it accounted for 13.3%.

In accordance with the relevant standards of the United Nations, more than 14%of the population over 65 will enter the aging society, and more than 20%is a super -aged society.

South Korea and North Korea Daily pointed out that in the 11 years from 1994 to 2005, Japan entered an ultra -old -age society from an elderly society.However, South Korea entered the aging society in 2018. In less than seven years, it will enter a super -aged society in 2025.South Korea is the world's fastest country.

In addition, the population (0 to 14 years old) and the labor population (15 to 64 years old) have continued to decrease.The population of South Korea was 6.087 million, accounting for 11.8%of the total population ratio, which continued to decrease from 2000 (21%).Compared with 36.944 million a year ago, the labor population decreased by 344,000 (0.9%), and after reaching its peak in 2016, it decreased year by year.

Data shows that the total fertility rate of South Korea last year (women in one country or region were in the age of childbearing, each woman's average child's childbirth) was 0.81, a decrease of 0.03 percentage points from 2020.And the bottom of the 38 members of the Development Organization (OECD), only half of the average level (1.61) of the co -organizations.

Li Taisho, the leader of the Research Team of the Population Research Group of the South Korean Development Research Institute (KDI), pointed out: "The low birth rate and aging problem are parallel, and the population crisis may evolve into the country's fiscal crisis.The surge in population has been tremendous and puts huge pressure on fiscal, which will have a double impact on the Korean economy in the future. "

Statistics show that last year, the "one -person household" family exceeded 7 million households for the first time, reaching 7.17 million households.The increased proportion of one -person households soared to 33.4%.