(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brills and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov held the first call since the outbreak of the Russian war.Brinken urged Russia to release two American citizens and warned Moscow not to try and swallow Ukraine.

Brinken and Lavrov on Friday (July 29) in about 25 minutes of dialogue, they exchanged opinions on issues such as Ukraine, global food security and bilateral relations.

Brinken told reporters: "We have made a frank and direct conversation. I urged the Kremlin to accept the substantial proposal of the United States to release the detained Paul Whelan and Brittney Griner."

It is willing to exchange two citizens with the Russian military fire dealers

American basketball star Branny Greenner was arrested for entering Russia with a primary oil in February this year.Decisure allegations.

According to people familiar with the matter, Washington is willing to exchange two American citizens with VIKTOR BOUT, which is currently serving in the United States.

Brinken said that he also put pressure on Rafrov to ask Russia to perform the food agreement signed with Ukraine, and at the same time do not try to swallow Ukrainian territory because the world will not recognize Russia's actions.

He said: "(World) not only will not accept it, but if Russia insists on doing so, it will pay an extra heavy price."

Brintken also said that Russia is preparing to carry out "fake referendum" to create false phenomena, showing that the people of Ukraine, which have been captured by the Russian army, are seeking part of Russia.He pointed out that these referendums will be part of Russian President Putin achieved the goal of "swallowing Ukrainian territory as much as possible."

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement after the meeting saying that US -Russian relations "urgently need to be normalized."

Statement pointed out: "Regarding the possibility of exchanging prisoners in Russia and the United States, Russia insists on returning to the professional dialogue mechanism within the framework of quiet diplomacy and is not affected by media speculation."

Lavrov also condemned the U.S. military and NATO to provide billions of dollars to Ukraine, saying that this "only extend the pain of Kiev's government, expand conflicts, and affect more victims."

Lavrov told Bronken that the US sanctions on the United States have complicated the global food situation.

He emphasized that Russia will try its best to achieve the goals set by all "special military operations".

This is the first time that Brintken and and Lavrov have passed a telephone conversation since February 15; Brinken had urged Russia not to invade Ukraine.

However, Putin announced special military operations on Ukraine after nine days, triggering comprehensive sanctions on Moscow in the United States and allies, and trying to beolate Russia internationally internationally.In July of this year, Brinken refused to hold talks with Lavrov when attending the G20 Foreign Minister's meeting at the G20 of the G20.U.S. State Department spokesman Pois said that Brinken did not plan to meet with Lavrov when he attended the Asian Safe Conference next week to Cambodia.