Peros spokesman Hamil refused to comment on her schedule.Peross and the office personnel refused to confirm or deny the schedule of the itinerary on the grounds of security issues.According to sources, Pelosi will go to Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.

(Washington Composite Electric) The Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi began the Asia -Pacific trip to the Asia -Pacific trip on Friday (July 29). The outside world still didn't know if she would visit Taiwan. It was reported that her trip to Taiwan was "to be determined".

The NBC Corporation (NBC) quoted sources as saying that Peros will visit Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.As of Thursday afternoon schedule, visiting Taiwan was listed as a "Tentative" itinerary.

Pelosi spokesman Hamil refused to comment on her schedule.Peross and her office personnel refused to confirm or deny her schedule on the grounds of security issues.

A source said Perosi was in her office all week to host the Asian trip and Taiwan's controversial meeting.Considering the possibility of military opposition, they discussed in -depth discussions.

Sources said: "China may be misjudgment. The United States may also be misjudged. Our personnel will do their best to ensure safety."

Lason, co -chairman of the Sino -US working team of the US House of Representatives, revealed that officials from the Chinese embassy came to call soon and asked him to urge Pelosi to cancel his visit to Taiwan. When he went to Seattle to attend a meeting on Monday, the Consul General of the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco personally conveyed himselfSimilar information.

Lason said: "Chinese tried to pressure on the affairs of the US members, including this visit to Peros, that is a serious misjudgment."

Pelosi has invited some senior members of the National Assembly, including the Chairman of the House of Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Michael, and the chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Takano.Last year, Gaoye led a delegation to visit Taiwan.On Thursday afternoon, Takano refused to comment while facing media inquiries.

The House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, Republican leaders of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the House, McCell and Pelosi's close allies and Democratic members, Anna Eshu, said Perosi also invited them to visit, but the two were lacking and unable to participate.

Xiwai calls for more than two hours to communicate about Taiwan Straits and other topics

The situation in the Taiwan Strait has recently been tight. US President Biden told Chinese leaders that the United States opposed Beijing to unify Taiwan by force; but he also said that the United States does not support Taiwan's independence.

Chinese side believes that if Perosi visit Taiwan, it will violate the policy of China.Biden and China officials made more than two hours of calls on Thursday, including the Taiwan Strait Project.

The White House did not publicize Perlis's visits to Taiwan, saying that it should be determined by her own, but officials of the US Department of Defense expressed private concerns.The New York Times disclosed earlier that Biden government officials were advising Peros not to visit Taiwan behind the scenes.

Grace, two Chinese experts, two Chinese experts, the director of the Asian Project of the Marshall Foundation in Germany, and the senior researcher of the American Institute of Enterprise Research, Cooper published an joint signature article in the New York Times stating that the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming increasingly tense.It may be upgraded to military conflicts.

In the 1990s, Qi Maike, the president of the China Sub -Branch of the United States, published a comment article on a foreign policy website on Tuesday, saying that Perosi did not care about the consequences of China."It is more dramatic gesture, not the actual help to Taiwan."

CNN's analysis on Thursday said that Beijing has already stated that if Pelosi really visits Taiwan, it is difficult for mainland China to take unprecedented actions.

However, members of the Democratic and Republican Parliament encouraged Perosi to visit Taiwan. They believed that once they abandon Taiwan's trip to Taiwan in mainland China, it is equivalent to the pressure to follow the pressure from Beijing.