(Washington Composite Electric) The US President Biden Biden, who was diagnosed with crown disease a few days ago, said on Monday (July 25) that he is expected to fully restore his work within this week and hope that this week's plan will be on the plan to discuss with the official phone number of Chinese officials this week.Essence

Bayeng told reporters: "This is my expectation, but I will notify you when confirming." Biden was still waiting to confirm. He also said that he had sufficient sleep and healthy.

Biden (79 years old) was diagnosed on Thursday, and Chinese officials called him the next day.Biden wasolated in the White House after diagnosis, and continued to perform the presidential position during the period.

Earlier, the President of the White House, Oaknner, said that the symptoms of Biden were almost completely eliminated, and there were only a little stuffy and hoarse."His lungs are not infected, and the pulse, blood pressure and breathing rate are normal."

Bynden met with the president and union leader of the technology company on the same day to discuss the problem of solving the shortage of global chips.Biden urged Congress to pass the chip bill as soon as possible, and believes that increasing the production of chip production in the United States is critical to economy and national security."Congress must pass this bill as soon as possible."

The Bayeng government has prepared to provide domestic semiconductor manufacturers with a subsidy of US $ 52 billion (about 7204 billion yuan) to ensure that the United States will not rely on other countries to provide key parts.

Bynden pointed out that whether the United States can produce all the micro -components required from smartphones to cars and weapons is an urgent challenge to solve."The United States has invented semiconductors, but over the years we have let the manufacturing of semiconductors flow overseas. Now, the United States must lead the world in chip production."

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond pointed out that micro -chip is "the cornerstone technology that supports the entire economy in the United States" and warns that the United States is far behind.She said that American importers now rely on Taiwan's chips, and China is also investing in the semiconductor industry.If the United States does not make these products in China, it is impossible to have a strong economy and country.

China takes the crown disease epidemic measures, exacerbating chip shortage, and then combat industries that rely on chips from cars to smartphones, as well as pushing high inflation rates.

Minister of the United States: Bynden has not decided to cancel the commodity tariff on China

On the other hand, Raymond has been accepted on Sunday to be interviewed by the TV station of the United States Broadcasting Corporation to the Face The National Program that Biden has not decided whether to cancel the tariffs on Chinese goods. Part of the reason is that he is worried about this.It has an impact on American workers and trade unions.

Raymond Duo said that the president is cautious. "He wants to reduce inflation and hopes to reduce the burden on people's life, but he must also ensure that once you do this, he will not have any impact on American workers."

U.S. media reports earlier this month may soon announce the cancellation of some tariffs on Chinese commodities during the Trump administration.The analysis published by the Peterson Institute of International Economics in March pointed out that the Trump administration's tariffs imposed on Chinese products during the trade war can save American families with an average of $ 797 each year.

However, the US trade union group opposes reduction of tariffs on China, and there are differences in the Bayeng government.Raymond and Treasury Secretary Yellen advocated cutting tariffs, but trade representative Dai Qi believes that these tariffs are a "important leverage" in the US -China trade relations, and the cancellation of tariffs on alleviating inflation is limited.