The Japanese government decided to hold a state funeral to the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated, and opposed the group's demands to the Tokyo District Court, opposed to his decision to cancel the national funeral decision for his lower half.

At the same time, some public institutions in Japan have received protests and intimidation believers.

According to Japanese media news, since the government announced Abe's national funeral date, the website of the city hall in many regions of Japan has received protest letter.The Qunma County Government reported on Wednesday (July 26) that the county estimates that eight cities have received intimidating emails.

The Japanese media quoted the police investigation report, saying that the email was sent on the 25th. The police were investigating in depth and questioned that the senders of the email were the same person.

Yomiuri News reported that after the above news of Qunma County, other counties such as Shiga Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Osaka City, Kyoto City, Hyogo County, Jilu City, Okiko, Hiroshima County, and Bird tookThe city and the murderous Nara County also received the intimidation letter of the same content, including the abduction of children with electric shock guns.These emails make parents in various counties disturbed.

Reports pointed out that the official finalizing after the national funeral was held for Abe on September 27, it caused controversy.Some citizen groups issued a lawsuit to the Tokyo District Court to oppose the cabinet to hold a national burial for Abe's national budget.

protesting Abe has twice bribes and unsteady use budgets are illegal

The content of the prosecution pointed out that during his lifetime, he was involved in two bribery scandals. The citizens mixed him with mixed praise. The national budget was used as a national budget without Congress.

The news pointed out that if the court approves a lawsuit of a citizen group, the cabinet will not be able to use a budget to hold a national funeral.

The major Japanese media have conducted public opinion investigations on Abe's national funeral.

However, the polls released by the Japan Network 373 News website on July 25 showed that more than 50 % of the opposition sound.

The reasons for opposition include the decision of the national funeral decision without standards, too rushing, and Abe's deity.

Support for Abe to hold national funerals, then appreciate his long -term administration of diplomatic achievements and contribute to improving the world.They believe that he is the spiritual pillar of Japan's reunion.