Comment: Why do Hong Kong old -fashioned food market farewell?
Comment: Why do Hong Kong old -fashioned food market farewell?
Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency Reporter: Tan Chang The Hong Kong Dachang Food Market, which has a history of 39 years, will terminate the food market business and decide to close 28 food retail stores.As Hong Kong's largest food an...
2024-07-21 08:56:00
Chen Yingzhu: Returning the teeth is the way of the final battle
Chen Yingzhu: Returning the teeth is the way of the final battle
All resistance war must reach the native core of the warrior of the war. Only by allowing the enemy to pay the same or more painful price, the war can end relatively fairly.Only when the "invaders will lose" become the law, can the war disa...
2024-07-21 08:55:57
Yan Mengda: After the end of the song
Yan Mengda: After the end of the song
Over the years, whether it is international conferences, exhibition activities, and singing and dancing performances, this island country has made this small island country noisy, and Singapore has shown the vitality of an international fam...
2024-07-21 08:55:54
Hong Yiting: Is it difficult for us to be a provident fund?
Hong Yiting: Is it difficult for us to be a provident fund?
We can think about it. The government just does not want us to get old and have no productivity and have no savings. It becomes a burden for the government to spend money to take care of.But from another perspective, it is not fair to ask e...
2024-07-21 08:55:51
Chen Neng Duan: Men, don't be embarrassed
Chen Neng Duan: Men, don't be embarrassed
At the end of last month, published a combination of the Japanese government's pressure enterprise , forced menAccording to the news of the staff of infant leave, the summary is that in order to actively build an environment for childcare a...
2024-07-21 08:55:48
Comment: What signals to release the four texts of the China Securities Regulatory Com
Comment: What signals to release the four texts of the China Securities Regulatory Com
Source: China News Agency The China Securities Regulatory Commission focused on March 15th's opinions on the improving the quality of listed companies from the source (trial) opinion documents such as improving the quality of listed compani...
2024-07-21 08:55:46
Lin Renjun: To fight for the economy, we must also pay attention to cultural construct
Lin Renjun: To fight for the economy, we must also pay attention to cultural construct
In addition to "doing activities", the government should also make the huge interests obtained by the great interests supported by national advantages and resources such as F1 racing, large concerts, etc., and through re -distribution and s...
2024-07-21 08:55:42
Joseph Na: The nuclear diffusion is back?
Joseph Na: The nuclear diffusion is back?
The bad news is that North Korea has completely abandoned its commitment to the non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty.Since 2006, North Korea has conducted six nuclear explosions, and the highest leader Kim Jong -un has frequently wielded a...
2024-07-21 08:55:40
Yang Jianye: The United States that contradicts each other
Yang Jianye: The United States that contradicts each other
A series of measures in the United States recently made people feel wrong: there is no rules and contradictions.Don't figure out what signal it wants to send to the outside world.Whether it is his opponent or allies, it often feels confused...
2024-07-21 08:55:36
Jun is not seen: artificial intelligence farming new world
Jun is not seen: artificial intelligence farming new world
The application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has penetrated into all walks of life, and now the door of farming has also been opened by AI. Through 5G technology, AI algorithm, and peripheral computing platforms, farmers can o...
2024-07-21 07:36:05
US media: The dilemma of the two canals disrupts global shipping
US media: The dilemma of the two canals disrupts global shipping
The Wall Street Journal website published on March 11 entitled two canals, two major issues: articles with chaos in global shipping, the author is Costas Paris.Article excerpts as follows: The Panama Canal and Suez Canal have encountered ma...
2024-07-21 07:36:02
US media: Why would Trump win the 2024 presidential election
US media: Why would Trump win the 2024 presidential election
[World Newspaper Cindea] Title: Why can't Trump win (the author's "Lincoln Plan" organization co -founder Ride Galen) Trump was the most likely US president.When the campaign was launched in 2016, his closest experience was to pretend to fi...
2024-07-21 07:36:00
New Daily News: The influence of the United States Republican "Trump" is profound
New Daily News: The influence of the United States Republican "Trump" is profound
The Singapore United Zaobao published an editorial on March 12, entitled to the political influence of the United States Republican "Trump".Article excerpts as follows: Former President Trump's daughter -in -law Laura Trump was elected as c...
2024-07-21 07:35:57
Foreign media: The two sessions are the window of the world to understand the real Chi
Foreign media: The two sessions are the window of the world to understand the real Chi
The Latin American News Agency broadcast on March 12th to send a reporter Erusola Diess's inscription on the two sessions: the report on the development of China under development, compile as follows: The two sessions are unique windows to...
2024-07-21 07:35:54
Guan Xiuying: The most fatal reason for the crisis of Haiti or the continuous deterior
Guan Xiuying: The most fatal reason for the crisis of Haiti or the continuous deterior
Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency Author: Guan Xiuying After the gangster riots, Prime Minister Henry finally announced his resignation after the gangster riots.On the 13th local time, the Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that...
2024-07-21 07:35:51