How can the WTO usher in the first female chief officer how to cooperate with the slog
How can the WTO usher in the first female chief officer how to cooperate with the slog
01 Viewpoint The World Trade Organization (WTO) recently ended the selection of the Director-General under the round, and was shortlisted by Yu Mingxi, Minister of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce, and Nigeria's former Vice President of the W...
2023-09-20 07:27:57
Social Comment: Bayeng reshapes the two major misunderstandings of the Foreign League
Social Comment: Bayeng reshapes the two major misunderstandings of the Foreign League
The biggest controversy of the Trump administration's dealing with diplomacy is to make trouble with multiple American traditional allies and have been criticized to harm the leadership of the United States in the international community.In...
2023-09-20 07:27:54
In the event of the epidemic situation, the administration must be made to break the d
In the event of the epidemic situation, the administration must be made to break the d
Ming Pao News Agency The new politics report was read out. The Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue explained that a series of revitalization measures involved in the Mainland and needed to discuss with the central government in late this...
2023-09-20 07:27:52
The three major internal explosion crisis in the United States, race, and election
The three major internal explosion crisis in the United States, race, and election
Author: Zhu Zhongkang Lenin once said that the strongest fortress must be broken from the inside.At present, there are many crises that are sufficient to shake the country. The first is the epidemic.Due to Trump's negligence and contempt sc...
2023-09-20 07:27:50
Xu Shijie: Is the United States "wonderful, sharp and tough"?
Xu Shijie: Is the United States "wonderful, sharp and tough"?
Current affairs perspective On the first day of October each year, it is the National Day of the People's Republic of China. This day, this year also coincides with China's traditional cultural festival Mid -Autumn Festival.Double sections,...
2023-09-20 07:27:47
Joseph Steiglitz: Republican threats Republic
Joseph Steiglitz: Republican threats Republic
Hot topic Nero is notorious because of the fun of playing with the burning of Roman, while US President Trump burned in California's mountain fire and more than 200,000 U.S. people died in the 2019 coronary virus disease.Get fun. Trump has...
2023-09-20 07:27:45
<b>Zhu Ying: The essence of the Cold War between China and the United States is the world</b>
Zhu Ying: The essence of the Cold War between China and the United States is the world
Zhu Ying The comprehensive conflict between China and the United States has risen to the United States to start a new Cold War in China. The essence of the Sino -US Cold War is the world's leadership. The essence of the world's leadership i...
2023-09-20 07:27:42
Peng Shengyu: The Trump era is about to end
Peng Shengyu: The Trump era is about to end
On Sunday, the Thames reported that the Prime Minister's government at 10 Prime Minister of Tangning Street in the UK determined that the U.S. President Trump had gone and began to welcome the arrival of the Biden government.The newspaper r...
2023-09-20 07:08:12
The Chinese version of the "physical list" makes Japanese companies worry
The Chinese version of the "physical list" makes Japanese companies worry
Author: Sichuan Sichuan Source: Nikkei Chinese Network China will formulate new laws to strengthen export control of strategic materials and high -tech.China will formulate a list of embargo enterprises for security on the grounds of securi...
2023-09-20 07:08:09
Before the release, the president was once again prison Gilgis.
Before the release, the president was once again prison Gilgis.
Author: Liu Yanting Source: Hong Kong 01 In the early morning of October 6, local time, a burst of fire came out of the White House of Gilgis Presidential Palace. The riot people accompanied the flames and ranged around in the house.Almazbe...
2023-09-20 07:08:07
China is one step ahead of the digital currency field, but who will follow?
China is one step ahead of the digital currency field, but who will follow?
Author: Kristie Pladson Source: Voice of Germany Chinese website Imagine: Go to the bank to get cash, neither go to the bank nor the cash.How is this going?If the digital RMB plan of the People's Bank of China is successful, this may be a f...
2023-09-20 07:08:05
Bai Dehua: The United States does not support Taiwan independence
Bai Dehua: The United States does not support Taiwan independence
Author: Bai Dehua Source: Zhongshi Electronics News The Taiwan Strait is war and harmony, the key is in the United States.The situation in which the United States has blocked China is increasing day by day. Not only is the Japanese, India,...
2023-09-20 07:08:02
What is the truth of the Indian Ministry of Defense in a three -year document?
What is the truth of the Indian Ministry of Defense in a three -year document?
Author: Mao Yuelin Source: Hong Kong 01 On the evening of October 8th, media such as the Indian Express Daily and the wire report found that the Indian Ministry of Defense suddenly deleted all the monthly newspapers from 2017 to the present...
2023-09-20 07:08:00
Peng Shengyu: What should I think of the "hostility" of the Western world
Peng Shengyu: What should I think of the "hostility" of the Western world
The PEW Research Center recently released the results of the annual world investigation of the topic of China.The survey was conducted from June 10th to August 3rd, covering 14,276 respondents from 14 major economies.The results show that a...
2023-09-20 07:07:58
Hong Xiaoyong: Building a community of human destiny together
Hong Xiaoyong: Building a community of human destiny together
China Focus At a high -level meeting of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, which once again explained the concept of the community of human destiny again a...
2023-09-20 07:07:55