Perspective collision

Are the dynamics of Deng Qingbo's dynamics "tragic" in China on December 20, 2022?Proposed "three judgments", fully affirmed the merit of dynamic clearance.I agree with the point of view of the article, and I hope that I can supplement some other perspectives through this article.Please let me propose the "four judgments" and restore dynamic clearing zero as a public policy.

Judgment 1. Dynamic clearing zero indeed a positive role from 2020 to 2021.

Regardless of whether the government work report in China in the past three years or the resolutions of the historical experience published by the mainland government in 2021 in 2021, they have fully affirmed China's anti -epidemic achievements.One year ago, many of me, including me, was a firm supporter of "dynamic clearance".

On December 30, 2021, in response to the questioning of foreign journalists to the epidemic prevention policy, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian responded to "You can get fun."At that time, it was indeed the highlight of the Chinese government and the people's most confident policies. The extensive Chinese people benefited from dynamic clearance policies and hoped to continue the miracle of clearing zero.For a moment, on November 29, 2022, Zhao Lijian was asked again about the relevant questions, but he said for a long time, thinking for a long time, and only used "the relevant situation you talked about does not match the facts" to answer.In less than a year, the two responses of the same spokesman showed the embarrassment before the dynamic clearance policy fell into the altar.In these 11 months, what happened, and what was the problem with dynamic clearance?

Judging the dynamics of the 2nd and 2022 dynamic clearance was pulled into the altar, and gradually rigid.

It may be effective to treat other strains dynamically zero, but in the face of the mortality and spread of disease, Omikon is not tantamount to engraving the boat for swords.In 2022, China expects to use dynamic to clearly "unchanged changes", ignoring objective changes including virus variation.After encountering huge resistance, we must also "resolutely distort all the words and deeds in the same way of distorting, doubting, and denying the policies of China's epidemic prevention policies." The decision -making mechanism is in order to keep the rules, and even cannot hear criticism, and the policy is gradually rigid.The old way to bite the old approach, first put a policy of "deducting a great big hat", and blocked the mouth that the sentient beings wanted to debate until the volcano finally erupted.This is not the correct attitude towards public policy.

The policy formulation layer by layer to highlight its "institutional advantage", from the evolution of life accounts to political accounts, and finally became a confused account.When the face of clearing the policy of the policy of clearing the policy was pulled on the relationship, and Qing Zero was the performance evaluation scale of officials' single dimensions, the policy implementation inevitably could not be available to "exaggerated wind".People are fighting spirit, but they are only subjective wishful thinking, bringing endless harm to the society.From the end of 2019 to the whistle, Li Wenliang's voice, to the hidden cover of the infection and death data after the recent release, this "parent leadership mentality" that is afraid of public knowledge runs through China's anti -epidemic.The harm caused by "political coach" to China has not been underestimated.

Judgment III. Dynamic clearing policy brings serious negative effects to China in 2022.

In 2022, not only the top -level dynamic clearance was designed with rigidity, and grassroots implementation became the biggest problem with the policy.The central government and grass -roots government policies have conflicted with each other.But the result is that the more cities are closure and the measures are getting stricter, and the phenomenon of prevention of epidemic prevention is still emerging."The upper is good, the execution below is broken." It became a humorous playful words.The government is not operating smoothly, but the result is borne by the people. What weakens the credibility of the entire administrative system.

During the dynamic clearance period, there are countless tragedies caused by grass -roots seal control, and people's moral bottom lines are constantly refreshing people.The sorrow of individuals and the overall happiness of society may really have nothing to do with, but dynamic clearance has seriously affected the happiness of the entire society.Not only is the freedom of the individual being deprived, but there are many things that are changed in the society to change and do not talk about jurisprudence.In less than a year, the government's credibility plummeted, the country's rule of law was trampled, and the cornerstone of trust that the entire society rely on was severely destroyed, and the disadvantages of the system were exposed.In 2023, Chinese society urgently faces the arduous task of trust and rebuilding.

Judgment 4. Dynamic clearance reflects the hidden dangers of China's public policy decision -making mechanism.

As Du Nengjian's article (Speech Edition on December 16, 2022), the policy steering is the result of the overlapping of multiple events.Without Zhengzhou Foxconn's escape, the people's indignation aroused by the chaos of nucleic acids, the people's changes aroused in various places, the tragedy of the late night car in Guizhou, the fire of Urumqi, the terrible economic data, and the tragedy of the entire social moral bottom lineI am afraid that dynamic clearing zero will continue.

Faced with an improper policy, people of insight have called for policy adjustments, and even issued the largest citizen movement in China in recent years. The policy is only 180 degrees U to turn.Relying on efficient organizational mechanisms, the mainland government can unify the understanding of officials, but in the face of the public mouth, if there is no full communication, detailed data, reasonable explanation, and equal debates, only the wishful thinking of the decision -making layer, I am afraid it will not be possibleLet the people's ideas be unified to a front.

Social stability is essential for Chinese society. If an extreme policy is turned on by various group events, it is promoted by various groups.IntersectionThe "self -revolution" proposed by the mainland government should not only include anti -corruption, but also to include their own ability to criticize themselves.

The dynamic clearing can be praised, but these beautiful words are never suitable for 2022.The reasonable attitude towards dynamic zero is neither affirmation, nor complete negative, but instead of this as a lesson and deep reflection.Wu Jinglian, a Chinese economist, recently proposed that "some of the shortcomings exposed in the response to the epidemic show that the" modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities "proposed by the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Eighteenth Central Committee is still a long way to go."Indeed, it is not the time to sing and praise. What is needed now is criticism from the people and the government's own reflection. This is the deserved meaning of the "whole process of people's democracy" proposed by the mainland government.

"Seeking truth from facts" is the most important attitude towards the mainland government.Regardless of whether it is called Qingli Shengshu or Clear Catal over, I only ask the facts, regardless of their positions, and comprehensively evaluate the gains and losses of the past three years, and learn lessons.The priority is to truly achieve "modernization of national governance systems and governance capabilities", forming a scientific, transparent, and process -oriented public policy procedure, so that historical tragedy will no longer repeat itself.

These days, many cities have serious medical crowding and excessive death.Not only will China not only face the first two years of achievements, but also to face the improper epidemic prevention in 2022, but also facing the fact that the current facts are due to insufficient preparation.The dynamic clear side has a glorious side, and there is indeed a tragic side. This epidemic is too worthy of the Chinese reflection.

The author is a Beijing consultant

In less than a year, the government's credibility plummeted, the country's rule of law was trampled, and the trust cornerstone that the entire society depended on was severely destroyed, and the disadvantages of the system were exposed.