Source: China News Weekly

Author: Huo Siyi

On December 25, 2022, the National Health and Health Commission of China announced that it would no longer release daily epidemic information.What many people do not know is that since then, the number of new diagnostic numbers daily is actually "low -key release" on the official website of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the public’s attention has been attracted by Zhejiang's "newly exceeded 1 million people" at this time.EssenceCompared with the officially announced two or three thousand cases daily, although 1 million new cases sound a bit thrilling, it meets people's psychological expectations.

The key to

The key is: Why do people no longer pay attention to the latest data published as an example?

Antigen -positive infection is not included in the national diagnosis statistics is the main reason why the number is too low daily.During the interview, a number of doctors revealed that the hospital only reported only to nucleic acid -positive infections. The antigen -positive according to the existing diagnosis and treatment plan did not belong to the "confirmed diagnosis", so it was impossible to report it through the online direct reporting system of China Disease Control.Under the slogan of "not to do nucleic acids", the hospital has long asked to ask the clinic to do only antigen and not nucleic acid.In addition, the number of diagnostic numbers reported in various places has basically only come from the entrance of the hospital.In contrast, more accurate diagnosis in foreign countries comes from regular testing of key places such as nursing homes, schools.

After letting go, the monitoring of key groups should be an important supplement to the hospital's diagnosis.The lack of data close to the whole picture is that the most direct impact is that people cannot accurately judge what the pathogenicity of the virus is, the proportion of asymptomatic infections, and the proportion of severe illnesses, and whether the surroundings are all viruses ... The data lacks rumors, and the rumors have been further further.Treating panic, so people rushed to the hospital and exacerbated medical crowding.

How many elderly people with basic diseases and how their vaccination is in vaccination.These data are the most direct signal about whether the medical system is facing the crowding.

Therefore, the significance of the monitoring of epidemic data is not only in monitoring the scale of epidemic infection, but also to make the hospital prepare in advance.These preparations include intensive care beds, ventilator, antiviral drugs, medical manpower that receives ICU training, and even an oxygen pipe connector.

At the news briefing of the WHO (WHO) on December 21, Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the WHO sudden health incident planData to manage the epidemic."You have to respond to what happened, not what you think is happening, and not what the media thinks is happening, but what happens."