Kawashima Takura: "China" in the G7 Hiroshima Summit Joint Bulletin
Kawashima Takura: "China" in the G7 Hiroshima Summit Joint Bulletin
The Seventh -way Group (G7) summit held in Hiroshima last month, in the joint bulletin issued, part of the China part of the content that China has more deeper than the previous summit- "As a partner of the G7, we support the support, so we...
2023-10-07 12:43:04
Ji Yan: The new challenge of the Chinese newspaper industry in Singapore
Ji Yan: The new challenge of the Chinese newspaper industry in Singapore
On June 2nd, I was fortunate to participate in the press conference of Lin Renjun's world.Unlike the generally passed the field and the press conference of the scene, this will not only have insider disclosure, but also a very fierce on -si...
2023-10-07 12:43:02
Society: Pay close attention to the development trend of artificial intelligence
Society: Pay close attention to the development trend of artificial intelligence
The European Union is drafting the legal framework of regulating artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that Europeans can have a safe and reliable environment when using AI in the future.In addition to being able to qualify for a set of AI...
2023-10-07 12:43:00
Chi Daohua: If you have more goodwill for the falling mother, maybe there is no such d
Chi Daohua: If you have more goodwill for the falling mother, maybe there is no such d
Source: Beijing News Author: Chi Daohua On May 23, Tan, a first -year boy in Hongqiao Elementary School in Hanyang District, Wuhan City, was drove to death by the teacher Liu on the school, leaving a sad parents.What surprised everyone was...
2023-10-07 12:42:57
Wang Ruxuan: Political Circle #Me Too Storm Where to go
Wang Ruxuan: Political Circle #Me Too Storm Where to go
Source: Zhongshi News Network Author: Wang Ruxuan Recently, the DPP's circular explosion -sex harassment incident has triggered the "Political Circle #ME TOO" campaign.This is just the tip of the iceberg. The victim of sexual harassment cam...
2023-10-07 12:42:55
Comment: The U.S. Debt Limited Limited Agreement passed!Global assets affect geometry?
Comment: The U.S. Debt Limited Limited Agreement passed!Global assets affect geometry?
Source: China Fund News Author: Zhao Xinyi, Ye Shijie The U.S. debt limit crisis temporarily "come to an end" -Eye -Eastern Time, on May 31st in the United States, the US House of Representatives passed a bill on the upper limit of federal...
2023-10-07 10:03:14
Ye Zhufeng: Tsinghua University of Science and Technology, can't it be a beauty p
Ye Zhufeng: Tsinghua University of Science and Technology, can't it be a beauty p
Source: China News Weekly Author: Ye Zhufeng On May 19th, Hong Haohuan, a graduate student of Tsinghua University, won the strongest popularity champion and the Eastern Division Championship in the 72nd World Miss World Beauty Contest China...
2023-10-07 10:03:12
Comments: Blogs encountered a "vegetable assassin" at the airport
Comments: Blogs encountered a "vegetable assassin" at the airport
Source: Daily Economic News According to the surging news report, recently, the blogger's "playing car is spicy" and said on the Internet that he encountered misleading consumption at a restaurant at Huanghua Airport in Changsha and encount...
2023-10-07 10:03:09
Chen Yingzhu: What did the Swiss do?
Chen Yingzhu: What did the Swiss do?
In an era when international ideological barriers are becoming more and more distinct, the complicated state of ethnic groups talks or thinks of internal cohesion has become a more authentic issue, not completely political needs or operatio...
2023-10-07 10:03:07
Yan Mengda: The couplet of Tiangong
Yan Mengda: The couplet of Tiangong
China's "Shenzhou XVI" manned spacecraft successfully launched on May 30, and successfully connected with the "Tianhe" core compartment of the "Tiangong" space station.The tide of Guihai enters the rail compartment from the spacecraft's ret...
2023-10-07 10:03:04
Tao Shutan: Canton the President of the United States, but Pence has long been labeled
Tao Shutan: Canton the President of the United States, but Pence has long been labeled
Source: Xinjing News Author: Tao Short Room Reuters reported that former US Vice President Pence will officially announce the nomination of the 2024 Presidential Election Republican candidate on June 7, that is, Pence's 64th birthday. Accor...
2023-10-07 10:03:02
Comment: The situation of Northeast Asia on a vicious cycle of the Korean Peninsula be
Comment: The situation of Northeast Asia on a vicious cycle of the Korean Peninsula be
Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Ming Pao Society Review North Korea's launch of military reconnaissance satellites failed on Wednesday (May 31), and the Rockets fell to South Korea.For more than a year, with the increasing tension of the peninsu...
2023-10-07 10:02:59
Wu Guoyu: A sports class to be taken before the election
Wu Guoyu: A sports class to be taken before the election
Source: Taiwan Wind Media Author: Wu Guoyu Sports is politics and diplomacy The World University Games and Asian Games will be held this year. During the Taiwan and legislators elections, the performance of players and international sports...
2023-10-07 10:02:57
Comments: Western misjudgment of Sino -Russian relations
Comments: Western misjudgment of Sino -Russian relations
Source: Wang Bao Wangbao Society Review In the interview with Russian Prime Minister Mishas, he not only held talks with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, but also met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and signed a series of agreements on s...
2023-10-07 10:02:54
Lu Zhixiang: After the meeting of the China -US defense defense was broken
Lu Zhixiang: After the meeting of the China -US defense defense was broken
Source: China Times Author: Lu Zhixiang The US President Biden personally released the signal that the US -China relationship is about to thaw. The interaction of senior officials on both sides gradually became hot, but kicked the iron plat...
2023-10-07 10:02:52