No matter who is elected as the next US president, Director of the Tsinghua University Strategic and Security Research Center, and professor of the Department of International Relations, Da Wei disciplined that the basic framework of the United States ’BIP policy will continue, but this policy will continue to be hollow.

Dawei Tuesday (September 3) , answered the reporter of this reporter about what kind of Taiwan Strait policy would adopt the policy of the new president of the United States, saying that the policy framework of the US -China Chinese China China was still there, but some of the specific policies in it were changing. Especially on specific issues such as high-level and military sales of the United States .

He metaphors said: "The United States always says that this is still a middle framework, but I always say that it is a temple. The words" Daxiong Treasure Hall "are always there, but the Buddha statues inside are moved away.", Attracted a laugh at the scene.

He also bluntly stated that this policy of the United States is not a one -China policy, but it is actually a problem; the main driving force of policies is in parliament, and Congress is difficult to be controlled by the administrative department.

Taiwan Lai Qingde Sunday (September 1) said in an interview with TV media that Mainland China is "intertwined" in Taiwan. In fact, it is not for the integrity of the territory . The real purpose is to "want to change the rule -based world order" to achieve international hegemony.

In this regard, Da Wei believes that such a statement cannot stand.

He explained that the Cairo Declaration clearly stipulates that Japan returned Taiwan to China after the war, which is the starting point of the legal basis of Taiwan's issue;-4401329 "rel = nofollow target = _blank> Later, the United Nations No. 2758 resumed China's legal seat in the United Nations and expelled Taiwan's representatives.

"This is the rules, the international law, the international law clearly stipulates, or the international law clearly recognizes that Taiwan is part of China."

Da Wei therefore believes that if mainland China unified Taiwan, it does not violate international law, but follows international law, and Taiwan independence will violate international law.

"I think who is in violation of the rules is actually very clear. Most countries in the world recognize that Taiwan is part of China. This is the rule ... The United States also says that Taiwan is not a country with sovereignty independence. ThereforeWhen promoting these substantial Taiwan independence, even when the Taiwan independence, they are violating the rules, not in mainland China that violates the rules.

Da Wei described Lai Qingde's above remarks as "very dangerous lectures". The purpose is to "the essence of Taiwan independence and more people, whether it is the people of Taiwan, or other countries in the world, and other countries in the world are tied to a chariot on a chariot"

Asked how the risk of the conflict of force in China and the United States due to the Taiwan issue, Da Wei believes that the short -term risks in two or three years will not be too great.

Da Wei evaluated in the past experience that the risk was when Taiwan leaders sought re -election in 2028.He believes that Lai Qingde is a relatively weak leader who rely on 40 % of the voting rate, and the support rate may decline in the next four years. Lai Qingde is expected to create a crisis and adopt a more expensive policy, leading to mainland ChinaThe United States rolled in.

But he does not think that mainland China or the United States has the initiative to seek conflict on the issue of Taiwan. "Because this is too dangerous, the price is too high."

The United Morning Post of Asia's Foreign -looking Summit is presented by Overseas Chinese Bank's honor. ThinkChina, an English -e -magazine under the Morning Post, supports the media.