When the presidential election is coming, it is unlikely that China and the United States will achieve substantial results in long -term development. It is important that the two parties avoid the situation of heating up. In the long run, China and the United States still have a lot of room for common development.The two sides can adopt the "also fight and fight" model.

Vice Premier Wang Ruijie on Tuesday (September 3) at put forward the above views, and analyze the development trend of Sino -US relations from a short period of short and long -term periods.

The United States will hold a general election in November this year, and the outside world will pay attention to whether this election will add variables to Sino -US relations or bring new opportunities.

Wang Ruijie said that the current cross -party venue of the United States supports China as a strategic competitor to the United States as the United States, which means that "no matter who is elected president, the attitude towards China may not soften."

He pointed out that in order to stimulate voters 'emotions, candidates may focus on voters' attention on their considerations that they think they are unfair. To fulfill these commitments, Candidates will implement trade restrictions, tariffs and other protectionist measures after being elected.

Trump, a Republican presidential candidate who runs again, has publicly announced that if he is elected, will levy more than 60 % of tariffs on Chinese goods .

Wang Ruijie said: "What is worrying is that the trade friction between the two countries will eventually evolve into a military conflict? China and the United States are all countries with nuclear weapons.A big disaster in the world "

Therefore, he believes that China and the United States must maintain a certain degree of consensus through dialogue in competition, establish basic mutual trust, and avoid heating up the situation.

After the Sino -US dollar met in San Francisco last November, the number of high -level interaction between the two countries increased.National Security Consultant's visit to China last week. During the period, Zhang Youxia, the official Chinese official, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, and Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi.This is the first time that Shatin has visited China as a national security consultant. He is also the first US National Security Consultant to visit China in eight years.

Wang Ruijie said, China and the United States have frequently exchanged frequently in China and the United States.The continuation of the dialogue .During this sensitive period in the United States, maintaining an open dialogue mechanism and continuing to establish strategic goals and trust is an important way to ease tension and seek cooperation.

In addition to the risk of short -term construction of guardrails and the out of control of the situation, Wang Ruijie also believes that in the long run, it is necessary for China and the United States to seek a strategic cooperation relationship on the basis of mutual benefit and promote peaceful development of both parties and global development.

He said that the long -term interests of China and the United States must allow their respective countries to continue to prosper and develop, and to create conditions for this vision. The two countries must understand that they have priority to deal with each other.

Wang Ruijie also takes economic cooperation as an example that trade cooperation can benefit everyone, but the premise is that every economy, especially developed economies, continuously reorganize and develop and develop in emerging economies.Transformation.

He advocates that, as the two largest economies in the world, China and the United States must adopt a model of "combination and competition", that is, to cooperate together to make common interests and respond to common challenges, and also play their own unique advantages through competition.

Wang Ruijie believes that even if China and the United States continue to compete, there are still many room for cooperation between the two sides to lead the world economy towards more stable and sustainable development., Climate change , the aging population of developed countries.

He hopes that the leaders of China and the United States can pragmically focus on the long -term interests and matters, establish mutual trust, promote strategic cooperation in essence, and benefit the people of the people around the world. "SingaporeIt will also do your best to support Sino -US cooperation. "

The United Morning Post of Asia's Foreign -looking Summit was presented by Overseas Chinese Bank's honor. ThinkChina, an English electronic magazine under the Morning Post, supported the media. About 200 guests were invited to attend.