(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine Foreign Minister Coleba pointed out that Western allies did not dare to approve new policies to support Ukraine because they were worried that the situation was rising.He described that this is the biggest problem facing Ukraine when fighting with Russia.

Kulbaba on Wednesday (August 28), when meeting with Polish Foreign Minister Sikoski in Ol, Polish city, said that since the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, the biggest problem facing Ukraine is the concern of the situation.Worried about the decision -making process of the Ultimate."Most of our partners are afraid of discussing the future of Russia ... This is very disturbing, because if we don't talk about the future of the source of the threat, we cannot develop a strategy."

Ukraine rely on Western assistance in the war.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on Tuesday (27th) that the West considers that the West was allowed to use remote weapons to fight against Russia, and warned that the Third World War will not be limited to Europe.

NATO on Wednesday at the request of Ukraine issued a statement, condemning Russia's recent "no difference" attack on Ukraine, and reiterated that it would increase the military assistance to Ukraine.

The Russian army launched drones and missile attacks on Ukraine's energy facilities on Monday and Tuesday, causing at least 11 people to die.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg emphasized in the statement: "We must continue to provide Ukraine with equipment and ammunition required for Russian aggression. This is important for Ukraine to maintain its combat capabilities."

Agence France -Presse quoted diplomatic sources that several NATO member states called for the release of restrictions on the use of Western weapons to use Western weapons, especially long -range missiles to help Ukraine better defense and fatal attacks.

At present, the Ukraine's military operations on the Russian border Kurosk are still continuing.Kon, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, said on Wednesday that the military operation may change the conflict situation, but the impact needs to be observed.He believes that the Russian army will try to recapture the Kuzhou area controlled by the Ukraine, and it is expected to be a hard battle.

In addition, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday that 92 U.S. citizens from entering Russia were banned as a response to the US hatred policy.This list includes a number of reporters, state prosecutors, staff members of the US defense industry company, and university professor.